Face the truth

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Title: Face the truth
Author(s): capeofstorm
Date(s): 09 September 2020 - 08 November 2020
Length: 3,465 words
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Alex Rider
External Links: Face the truth (AO3)

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Face the truth is a Yassen/Alex story by capeofstorm.


"It makes me feel really good when I tell the truth." Alex's eyelashes flutter against his cheeks, his breathing fast and shallow. "Really good." Kinkmeme de-anon. Alex is given a truth serum that makes him feel good when he tells the truth. Yassen helps him out.

Recs and Reviews

Alex is given a serum that makes him feel good when he tells the truth. Yassen is absolutely a man to take advantage.[1]

Alex Rider Ship Week


  1. ^ "AR Ship Week - Fanwork Recs". Archived from the original on 2022-05-04.