Faded Valentine

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Title: Faded Valentine
Author(s): Greer Watson
Date(s): 18 February 2013
Length: 572 words
Genre(s): backstory, reminiscence
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
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"Faded Valentine" is a ficlet by Greer Watson based on Mary Renault's 1953 novel The Charioteer. It takes place some time after the novel.


Lucy Straike is looking through an trunk in the attic of the vicarage when she comes across an old Valentine's Day card that had been given to her by her first husband, Michael Odell.


The story was written for the maryrenaultfics LiveJournal community's Valentine's Day challenge in 2013. It was originally posted on MRF, and later reposted to the author's website.


"Faded Valentine" elicited a number of comments, including the following:

  • "Lovely. And very thought provoking. I've never thought much about Mr Odell, but Laurie must have been a bit of a chip off the old block. Thank you!"—comment by charliecochrane
  • "It is nice to see Lucy had some fond memories of her errant first husband. How intersting she kept mementoes all those years (although inadvertantly kept them in the end). That she does not regret the marriage, despite its problems, because it gave her Laurie, is very typical of women in her position."—comment by fawatson