Fair Trade (Stargate Atlantis story)

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Title: Fair Trade
Author(s): esteefee
Length: Words:18,456
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Stargate Atlantis
External Links: at AO3

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Fair Trade is a McShep story by esteefee.

It was podficced by wihluta.

Reactions and Reviews

One of my all-time favorite AUs! John and Rodney are in lives so different than their canon ones, and yet they’re both exactly themselves despite it. Their relationship develops so naturally and the OCs are absolutely awesome. John’s injury, surgery, and rehab are really beautifully (and expertly) written, which I appreciated, especially because I listened to this entire podfic while going through physical therapy for an injury of my own. [1]

John after a injury ruins his Air Force career retires to San Francisco and buys a coffee shop. Rodney is the angry “customer zero” who spends much of his time in John’s shop drinking coffee non-stop as he works designing children’s science exhibits for museums.

Other characters we love make an appearance. Ronon and Teyla are two of John’s doctors for instance. There is also a few characters from SG1 as we find out that Rodney was forced into his present career after one of his experiments went wrong.

The physical and emotional impact of John’s injuries are dealt with in a believable manner. While there are those who might not want to read about Johns injuries this is not just angst for angsts sake and makes a very compelling read. [2]
