Falling Into His Eyes

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Title: Falling Into His Eyes
Author(s): KinkyGrrl
Length: ~ 127 KB
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Part 1: The Rescue
Part 2: Wearing His Clothes (KinkyGrrl's Web Page of fanfic and juicy tidbits)
Wearing His Clothes (The Basement)

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Falling Into His Eyes is a Mulder/Krycek series by KinkyGrrl. It has two parts: The Rescue and Wearing His Clothes.

Author's summary: The Rescue is a K/M slash piece with a very strong h/c element. Krycek finds Mulder after he has been tortured and raped by a bunch of hired thugs. He takes Mulder off to a motel to question him, but finds himself having unexpectedly conflicted feelings during the process. Six months after the events of "The Rescue", Krycek shows up in Mulder's apartment.

Recs and Reviews

Summary: After rescuing Mulder from a warehouse where he was being tortured, Krycek takes him to a motel to question him. There, they unexpectedly gain a new understanding of each other that leads to another meeting in Mulder's apartment six months later.
Review: I have to admit to a secret liking for 'Krycek saves Mulder' stories, and this one's certainly one of the best of its subgenre. KinkyGrrl's Krycek is dangerous and yet safe for Mulder at the same time, and her Mulder is beaten down, but not broken. They both are - and remain - part of their own individual worlds, and yet they meet on a level beyond their ideologies, where they're same and equal and able to share comfort. Unfortunately, that also means that the storyline lacks a nice and easy resolution.[1]


  1. ^ allaire mikháil. storyteller's campsite: the x-files fan fiction, 20 July 2008. (Accessed 26 March 2015)