Fast Cars and Airplanes in Heaven

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Title: Fast Cars and Airplanes in Heaven
Author(s): TheAllPowerfulOz
Date(s): July 29, 2010 - January 22, 2013
Length: 100 chapters, 350k words
Genre(s): Modern AU, Adventure, Hurt/Comfort
Fandom(s): Assassin's Creed
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Fast Cars and Airplanes in Heaven is a modern AU story with Altaïr/Ezio as the main pairing. The story originated from the following prompt on asscreedkinkmeme:

Altair/Ezio, hurt/comfort+smut

Kink suggestion: AU, modern times; Altair was a special agent contacted by Giovanni to rescue his kidnapped son, Ezio. Since the family failed to meet the ransom demands, they fear greatly his life. Fast forward after a few months/years, Altair found Ezio in a brothel, bound and broken; Ezio was repeatedly raped. Altair rescued Ezio but the latter was so traumatized. Altair ended up treating Ezio by making real love to him.

Hmm. Ok, calling out to Anons there, please make this piece come to life. We need more Altair/Ezio loving.[1]

The story has inspired numerous fanart.


I have never cried so much in my life. OMG it was amazing, but I was all manic and crazy by the end lol. I stayed up all night reading it. Amazing.[2]

This story is so underrated, it's so well written and captivating. It was also very very hard to read at times because a lot of stuff is so utterly nerve-wrecking and heartbreaking. I can honestly say that I was literally paralyzed with anxiety while reading the last ten chapters or so. This was a beautifully written story and I'm glad that I found it.[3]

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