Flesh & Blood (X-Files story)

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Title: Flesh & Blood
Author(s): prufrock's love
Date(s): October
Length: 83K
Genre(s): case file, Heavy UST, Angst, not MSR
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Flesh & Blood

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Flesh & Blood is an X-Files story by prufrock's love.

Story Header

Rating: NC-17 for case file, not MSR

Keywords: Case file, Heavy UST, Angst

Spoilers: Season 1

Summary: An assignment to profile a killer targeting underage girls in the porn industry takes a dark turn and tests the trust between still-new partners.

Angst-o-meter: 6 out of 10; grisly, grimy case. Jennifer check: Safe (everyone lives & ends up together). Skinner head check: Intact; slightly pink.

Reactions and Reviews


Every now and again, a piece of fiction comes along that fills in the blanks so beautifully and so perfectly that the author's vision becomes a part of your personal M&S canon. Enter forewarned into prufrock's early M&S world and discover, once and for all, the truth that was out there that we were never told. Crystalline characterizations that capture the early partnership with such resonance I have no choice but to go back and watch S1 with new eyes. Do *not* miss this fic.[1]

Pru takes the deepest, darkest, ugliest aspects of human nature and makes them into great literature. I love Mulder and Scully at their lowest, being forced to deal with circumstances outside of their control, their limits being tested until the lines are blurred. But when they can rise above all of that and catch a glimmer of hope for the future, it's the biggest payoff. Thanks to Pru for being one of the few authors who really pushes them to the edge without letting them fall over! (Or for giving me a warning ahead of time if they do. <g>) [2]


Back in season one, Mulder and Scully investigate the sleazy world of porn films after a series of girls are murdered. Not many fanfics are set so early in the series, but this one really captures the atmosphere, with two partners who are not quite used to working together yet, and with the lingering influence of Scully's mystery boyfriend Ethan. (Remember him?)[3]
