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Title: Forbidden
Author(s): sexymermaid, jan, jans_intentions
Date(s): 2006
Fandom(s): Buffy the Vampire Slayer
External Links: Unavailable

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Forbidden is a Spike/Dawn fic written by sexymermaid

Forbidden, and all other works by sexymermaid, were removed from the internet, possibly in 2009, as a condition of the author's publishing contract.[1]

Reviews and Reception

Why I chose this: Because I really enjoy Sexymermaid's writing and her Spawn is simply splendid![2]

This is a tough one. Not because this story is hard to adore, oh no, not that, simply it's like giving you all the chocolates in the world and getting asked to pick your favorite. This story has an assortment of wonderful ideas, and conversations, and it keeps the character as in character as it can. You try to write Spawn and keep the character as themselves, I don't know how the Author does it. Admittedly don't read this story if your not looking for Spawn. The centre of this story is Spawn and it's not something you can ignore (then again why would you want to?)[3]

Best Spike/Dawn: We had a tie for the winner!

I chose a joint first because these two fics are both deservedly very popular, but they are both very different and show quite different aspects of our hero and heroine. Forbidden deftly presents a portrait of adolescent sexual awakening, and nicely depicts Spike’s self-doubt. Temptation takes the cliched naughty schoolgirl scenario and manages to do something new, witty and hot with it, whilst keeping the characterisation real.[4]


  1. ^ Discussion on Sexymermaid / Jans_intentions Fic, 2011.
  2. ^ TOP 5 SPIKE/DAWN FICS COMPLETED IN 2006, recced by buffyversetop5, January 2007.
  3. ^ Recslikewhoa rec from December 2006.
  4. ^ Spike/Dawn winners, The Harem of Spike Awards 2007, Winners of the Spike/Female divisions!, April 2007.