Full Circle (Professionals/The Chief story)

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Title: Full Circle
Author(s): Brenda Antrim
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Professionals/The Chief
External Links: online here

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Full Circle is a slash Professionals/The Chief story by Brenda Antrim.

Reactions and Reviews

Many years after Bodie's murder, Doyle still chases vengeance. Seducing Cade as part of a cold-blooded plan to get his quarry, Doyle finds himself caring more than he wants to - but is that enough to stop his plan to kill?

Now or never. Cade was as ripe for the plucking as he was ever going to be, and if he hesitated now, second thoughts and sobriety would take his chance from him.

He stilled, willing the narrowed jade eyes opposite his to look up. It took some concentration, because Cade's attention was focused on the hollow of his throat, seemingly mesmerized by the pulse beating there. Eventually, his stillness penetrated the other man's preoccupation, and he glanced up. Doyle allowed the heat to show in his own eyes, and Cade stared, fascinated. Taking care not to lose that eye contact, Doyle leaned forward slowly, watching the other man's face flush, his eyes widen, pupils dilating. Yeah, he hadn't lost it.

This is a well done crossover with nice emotional intensity. There's a little too much fanon at times - witness the "jade eyes" in the excerpt above - but overall this is one of my favourite Brenda Antrim stories. [1]
