Gone to the Dogs

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Title: Gone to the Dogs
Author(s): avesnongrata, Woodface
Date(s): 2014 - 2016
Length: 173,012 words
Genre(s): Femslash
Fandom(s): MCU
External Links: AO3

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Gone to the Dogs is a MCU, Maria Hill/Natasha Romanova story by avesnongrata and Woodface. It is considered a must read in BlackHill fandom. As of June 2022, it has over 121,000 hits, 4700 kudos, 1800 comments and 880 bookmarks on Archive of Our Own.


Being assigned guard detail is not exactly what Maria Hill wants from her first week at S.H.I.E.L.D. HQ, but she really didn't expect it to turn out like this.

Reactions and Reviews

The Blackhill bible. A perfect study on their dynamics and a wonderful read from start to finish that this fandom (tiny but so talented) holds dear to our hearts.[1]

If this is the first time you are stumbling into the fandom and want to just read one thing, I would say start with this one. Excellent character study, pretty great plot and honestly, I feel like this is THE magnum opus of the ship on AO3[2]

hard angst, brilliant plot. in a perfect world, this would be the screenplay for the Black Widow Movie[3]

This story starts early in Maria Hill’s SHIELD career (a while before we get to see her in the MCU movies for the first time) and her first job is to guard Natasha. Both Maria and Natasha are haunted by their pasts and have a lot of things to work through.
This is an epic and impressive story with unexpected twists. It is dark and angsty and a slow and complicated romance.[4]

Utterly compelling romance between Nathasha Romanoff (Black Widow) and Maria Hill.[5]

The greatest fic you will ever read. As in not just the greatest blackhill fic, but the greatest fic period

it’s written by terrifyingly talented @avesnongrata and woodface.

If you haven’t already read it, stop whatever you’re doing, and go read it, i don’t care how close your exams are, or if you’re performing cpr on a puppy, you need to read it more than you need blood in your veins[6]

A Maria/Natasha fic that's mostly from Marias pov, but it's a great version of how it could have been for Nat coming in from the cold. The kudos and comments on it are well deserved.[7]

naturally, check out gone to the dogs by avesnongrata and woodface. its a classic in the fandom.[8]

This is both a Black Widow origin story and a Maria Hill/Natasha Romanov spy girlfriends story. Each author wrote from one of the characters’ perspective and I think that is, in part, what makes it a really strong story. It will suck you in and you won’t be able to stop reading so make sure you have a good chunk of time. [9]

The one I will tell you to start reading is Gone To The Dogs. Hands down: this is the best one there is and should be canon.[10]

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