Green Silk (X-Files story)

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You may be looking for other articles with a similar title: see Green Silk.

Title: Green Silk
Author(s): Eowyn Evenstar
Date(s): March 4, 1996
Length: 94K
Genre(s): het
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: online here

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Green Silk is a Mulder/Scully story by Eowyn Evenstar.

The Author's Distribution Rules

An example of how fannish expectations regarding archiving, publishing, and sharing fiction change over time is illustrated in this author's request:

This is to be distributed by EMXC first and then later posted to the ATXC. You may pass this story around under two conditions you keep my name on it and if you want to publish it ask me first. I want a copy of the zine if you do. It was completed-- sort of-- I edit for life-- meaning everytime I read it I change something-- on Feb. 5, 1996.

Story Synopsis

"Synopsis: Mulder overhears Dana and Melissa discussing his sexual preference. "Scully thinks I'm gay?! I'll show her..." BIG FUN for us!"

Reactions and Reviews

The first fanfic I remember reading was something about Scully wearing a green silk dress. It was called: “Green Silk” I think. Eh.... [snipped] I saved everything I found on floppy discs and brought it back to transfer on my own computer (because I could not afford an internet connection at home). And at night, I read, I read, feeling overwhelmed that such things existed, that people could make Mulder and Scully come alive, so ALIVE and could make them so much more interesting than they were on the show. I can’t remember much about that ‘Green Silk’ fanfic, It was probably very mushy and romantic like many fics were in those days. I had yet to spend entire nights without sleep, goosebumps on my arms, my breath taken away and my eyes burning because I could not stop reading ‘Iolokus’ – but it was the key which opened the door of what would become my most cherished hobby. Soon I would decide that I too wanted to shape and breathe life inside Mulder and Scully, soon I too would start writing. And I may have forgotten the specifics, but I never, ever forgot the sense of wonder, the thrill in the pit of my stomach that I experienced when I read my first fanfiction – the one where Scully wore a green silk dress. [1]
