Harry Potter and the Man of Unknown

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Title: Harry Potter and the Man of Unknown
Author(s): Gypsy Silverleaf
Date(s): It was written between August 31st and September 3rd, 1999
It was posted on September 4, 1999 to Fanfiction.net
It was posted to FictionAlley on October 10, 2002.
Length: 13,605 words
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Harry Potter
External Links: Fanfiction.net;

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Harry Potter and the Man of Unknown is a Harry Potter story by Gypsy Silverleaf. It was the first Harry Potter fic posted to the internet.

The author was 13 years old. [1]

A First

It was written August-September 1999, and was posted to FanFiction.net on September 4, 1999.

In 2003, the author wrote:

Four years ago today I E-mailed [email protected] to ask if a Harry Potter section could be made because I had a story almost ready to post. Xing said yes and created the category. Three days later, I got an E-mail from him telling me to post my story or he'd delete the section. I have been in this fandom far too long. *g* [2]

More comments from the author, date unknown:

Harry Potter and the Man of Unknown was originally written in four days, between August 31st and September 3rd, 1999 at around 34 pages (it's been updated several times since; more majorly in April-June 2001). I believe it truly to be one of the first Harry Potter fan fictions and it was the first, at least, Harry Potter fan fiction to ever reside on FanFiction.net, after I bugged the webmaster, Xing, to place a Harry Potter section, "because I have a fan fic ready to put on it NOW!" That's a fact that I, as an author, am very proud of. :-)

<When I first wrote it, it was posted three days before Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban debuted on American markets, so for those who might have printed this story out a long time ago and compare it to the new version (finally completed on June 24, 2001), you'll see a lot of differences, because I made it more factual to the Harry Potter books. Otherwise, if you have no idea what I'm talking about, ignore this paragraph. ::nods at people looking at her strangely::

Anyway, moving on . . . I know a lot of you wonder why I portray Dumbledore like I did. Well, I've always thought of Dumbledore as this person who knows everything, and I can't stand anyone who knows or thinks they know everything! No one should be able to do that, so I wrote my animosity (through Thomas) to Dumbledore. Albeit, I do like Dumbledore's characteristics, his "knowningness" is just too annoying not to leave out.

sighs:: This is a really stupid author's note. Forgive me, please. ::hands the reader a pickle:: For good luck.
Love and cheese, Gypsy Silverleaf [3]


First fanfic of HP here, 'tis about an unknown man in Harry's life & that's all I'll give out! :-) [4]

Harry has a relative - whom he knows nothing about, nor does anyone else - named Thomas Erwin. The professor is said to be completely insane, as his colleagues and students believe, and hates Harry Potter to the point he won't even say his name. But is this the truth? What is the truth? [5]

Genre: Angst, Mystery - Main character(s): Dum, H - Ships: None - Era: Multiple Eras

Professor Thomas P. Erwin, of Sharadine School of Witchcraft for Girls, hates Harry Potter. The mere mention of Harry Potter's name by a student or colleague can send him into a tirade, but no one can figure out why, except that he might be a devoted follower of Lord Voldemort...[6]

Reactions and Reviews: Fanfiction.net

A sample of the 604 reviews at Fanfiction.net:


::doesn't really get it...:: ::hurries to read the next part::

Gypsy, my friend, amazing! i dun carr aboute speelin eerors. Hehe, just kidding. Well, all fanfics have spelling errors, so people, pass them up, and give Gypsy a hand . . . or two! ;)

I didn't know Ms. Rowling wrote fan fiction.

Even if you have read Azkaban already, this story is interesting. It's always interesting to see something like this. It's refreshing.

I thought it was good. You're others get better and better too. ::still surprised that Gypsy didn't like the third book:: How could anyone NOT like a Harry Potter book. I thought that was something that only book banners did. And Dumbledore is really cool, how can you portray him as such a jerk? Okay, I'll shut up now.

Stilll great! Love it. Hmm, it seems to be turning into almost... an alternate universe, heh-heh. Well, I know it was written before Azkaban, but it STILL seems like an alternate universe-type fic.

The story was so good that for a second I thought that maybe J.K. Rowling wrote it.

Very well written and what seems like an excellent plot line so far. Also, you were very brave to be the first person to post a story in the Harry Potter section.

You probably don't get that many reviews on this story now, do you? I actually did read this story agas ago (a year?) but not on . I honestly think that anyone who comes here to read stories should read yours. It is a classic, the first, and one of the best ones out here. I don't know if your still writing, but anyway, this is an amazing story.

I don't think your story is very wierd. You are very good at writing, I think your story is better than the real Harry Potter (no offense to J. K. Rowling.) You could have a career as a writer. I say you should add more detail to Anna at the school, you shouldn't care so much about what Rowling writes, and you should just do it your way. It could come out well. I started reading Harry Potter before it was popular and I just sort of want to finish the series. I look forward to your next Fanfiction.


I like your story, it was very enjoyable. It's true that your story didn't quite fit in with Rowling's world, but I found it just as enjoyable as her books.

hello, i am just saying congrats on being the first to publish anything in the HP section. ur cool

You should be famous for writing the first Harry Potter fanfic out of (as of 12-3-01) 20602. I have read this story but it was at least a year ago.

This is a very good story and I hope many more reviews will pass your way... also I would like to thank you for starting the Harry Potter fic section... I owe you.


How could you not like Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban? Are you mad? Anyway, the story was quite good. It's really interesting to be reading stories which were written before the books came out.

Wow, so this was the first one ever? September 1999 seems like so long ago...

This was very good, if a little depressing. I raise my hat to you for being the first!

I liked the fic, especially since you opened the doors to everyone else, but it had a sad ending. Sad endings can be pulled off though, and I think you did it.

AwWwW! That's so sad! You should put this under ANGST or something! :-(

Overall, This is a GOOD story. Weird, but good. And you tell it very well. Good Job!


this story had no point. otherwise, it was good tho... sort of... but it's really good! it just doesn't make u wanna read it.

I wanted to read the very first Harry Potter fanfiction, and so I jumped to the last page and clicked on this. I must say that I was not disappointed at all. Wow. That was great! You had me in suspense the whole time, wondering why Thomas was the way he was. O.O You wrote this in FIVE days? That is amazing! Great job!

Not trying to be mean, but I do not like your story. I'm all the way in the second chapter and it dtill doesn't explain whats going on. It's nice to have a little confusion but then you should explain. I have no idea why Professor Erwin is so freaked out by all of this, why he hates everyone. And since the whole story is based on this it's kind of sumb that you aren't explaining it. The story is getting really bad. TOO suspensful, so I am not even going to read it anymore. It's not fun when you have no idea what is going on.

OKay... I actually read the whole story. I, unlike some people, liked it very much. What more can I say. However, I must say that Dumbledore went a bit out of character. I don't think Dumbledore would ever feel intimidated by anyone. And besides that, I think that Dumbledore probably can see invisable people and probably could reverse any invisability spell. Then again, I have always held Dumbledore in the Highest respects. And you did this in 5 days? Wow... I know this review is kinda late (a few years in fact), but I wanted to read the very first Harry Potter FanFiction. Erm... what more can I say. I loved it!


First off...James and Thomas should have had the same last name regardless of different parents, because they had the same father and through the father is the sir name then passed down. Overall the story wasn't weird because weird wouldn't cut it...the only thing I could say is, it's desperate for imagination. No offense, hopefully this helps expand your writing skills and hopefully a constructive criticism.

This chapter had a lot of emotion, especially at the end. The ending was definitely a bit abrupt, what with Dumbledore accusing Erwin of threatening to murder him. In all honesty, I cannot imagine Dumbledore doing this, but it's all in the spirit of your story, I guess. You could've put something in there about Anna and Harry though, like continue the story.

Great story!


I can't believe I'm commenting on the first Harry Potter fanfiction ever! I feel kinda special. And it's awesome that you're the beginner of draco/hermione too. That means it was known from the start that they're obviously meant to be!

I wish I had an autograph or something of yours but it seems you haven't posted in the longest time. I guess you're not into it anymore. Well, you're on which is pretty cool!


This was very good for the first harry potter fanfic. This isn't amazing but it was a good start for the book to have the fic and of any category.


Love it amazing! though I must confess I haven't acctually read the Prisoner of Azkaban...

The first Harry Potter fic ever...phew that must have been a long time ago...not syaing that your old or anything!

Man, It's like eight years later and people are still reading this.

i read some of your old reviews...they're kinda mean...


i was just interested and i decided to look up the oldest hp fanfic on this site...and this was it. having read many of the more recent ones, after we found out, well, everything, right up 'till the seventh book, its odd to read one written before anyone knew about it all...you know?

it was wierd, i have to say, but good. different. i liked it though. :) nice work.

I thought the story was well done... not the sort of finish I would have done, but appropriate.

I was just looking to see what the oldest story on the site was. It doesn't surprise me that it would be well done.

I am impressed with how you realized Sirius would not pose a threat to Harry, and that Harry would be willing to try to free him, with the little you knew from what was written up to that point. It doesn't matter that the particulars were wrong - it would have been shocking if you had guessed correctly.

Anyway, as I said before: This is a nice story and truly a good start for HP fan fiction.


wow, i'm sure you've heard this before but your the first writer of HP fanfiction on this sight, the first of the most popular ff book in the world, u r a hero, a historic fiqure, an idol to be worshipped, i will tell my kids about u etc etc,

oh and not bad story either


There are some aspects are not entirly believeable: I still think Erwin would've been fired ages before no matter how good a teacher he is but they're wizards so what do I know. Also I belive it would take less than 15 years from Erwin to realize what kind of douchebag he had become. Anna Winterbourne is the only one whose presence feels unnecessary, she's just there to be Professor Erwin's mouthpiece but otherwise characters work, I especially like how it's not entirely sure in the beginning is Thomas Erwin absolute evil or just deeply hurt.

It's certainly and odd story but following the protagonist's inner turmoils was interesting for the short while it lasted.

I saw this in the TIME magazine. It had a Harry Potter timeline and showed that the first Harry Potter fanfiction, "Harry Potter and the Man of Unknown" was published. You're famous! And then, I naturally became curious about the first fanfiction and clicked on the last page.

It has been over a decade since this was written and completed. I have just seen the final movie and the series is over and I just have to say, what a wonderful piece you've written here. I was engaged from the first paragraph. Even while some parts were wonky (owing to the fact that you'd written this before reading the third) it felt all natural and just as if I were reading a real side novel/story thing.

I hardly doubt you'll actually read this but I just want to thank you for starting the Harry Potter Fanfiction Universe with such a heartfelt wonderful story.


Now, I must admit, I wasn't totally enthralled by your story: don't get me wrong, I did rather enjoy it, and your grammar was clean enough (which is essential to one who wishes to survive on the Internet these days) but the plot did move a tad too quickly; there wasn't much of an introduction, and most of the first two chapters consisted of Erwin yelling at helpless people. However, as far as fanfictions go, it was pretty good. Not absolutley brilliant, but pretty good.

But hey, at least I read it! There are some reviewers here who did not bother with the story, and only reviewed because of you firstness. People, peole, people. One does not simply NOT read the first ever Harry Potter fanfiction. Such is almost impossible!

So, in conclusion, I suppose, congratulations on being the first!

WOW. This was published 13 years ago! A-M-A-Z-I-N-G that there were people writing fanfics even then at the very beginning of Harry's adventures.


So I decided that I wanted to read the first fan fic of a few things that I like. I figured that since I like Harry Potter that I could read the first fan fic of it. For a story that was written back in 1999, it was really good. The plot was structured well. You put a lot of emotion into the characters. I like how you made you own character and how you made a backstory of his life and how Lilly and James' deaths affected him. Nice work. 420, out.

Let me just say, thank you for kick starting the Harry Potter fanfiction section with this little gem, something that was here when I was only four. For someone to find this site and be a Harry Potter reader at that time, is truly amazing. Even though you may have forgotten about this site as you are no longer active, I thank you, on the behalf of the entire Harry Potter fanfiction writers, for starting this fandom with a story that has set the level of writing we wish to reach.


He/she had no idea what he/she was starting. The first pebble in an avalanche of fan art, fanfiction, cosplaying, fandom, shippings, pairings... You started a legacy, whoever you are.

Live on your Harry Potter childhood... Forever.


I wonder if any of these authors even remember this and go back to read their stories and new reviews once in a while. By now, they're all adults being busy with their adult lives... This was published two years after I was born and now here I am, reading it..My god, the passage of time saddens me...


A pretty good story for the first ever Harry Potter fanfic, which I learned of through TVTropes. I feel that the characters seemed off to me b/c I've read all the books and multiple fics. Again, pretty good.


To be honest I'm here because it's the first ever Harry Potter fanfiction, but I am extremely satisfied because it's SO GOOD. The brother plot twist was unexpected (I say no more cause spoilers). This fanfic was made while my mum was pregnant with me, that's absolutely insane! Gonna check your profile and see if you've wrote any others ;)

I can't believe this is the first Harry potter fanfiction! It's awesome to think that what this fic was the first of something that now has more than 800 000 stories, if you include the crossovers, as well as multiple sites dedicated to purely to keeping the stories and discussing them!

Wow. Erwin is insane. But he's also interesting and fresh so I guess I can live with it.

Professor Erwin whirled around to Snape who was reaching for his wand and pointed his own wand in Snape's face. "Ah, ah, Severus. I'll turn you into a toad before you can touch your wand, do you hear me?"

Snape stared at him in shock, then a smirk grew on his face. "What will the Ministry say?" he sneered, looking suddenly triumphant.

"If they ever met you, I'd bet they'd say terrific," Professor Erwin replied snidely.



Setting the bar low is one thing, but you've practically buried it.

Voldemort attacked the Potters on Halloween, 1981, not August. Get your facts straight.

Is that supposed to be an intervention in chapter two? Because the way they've gone about it couldn't possibly be worse. Erwin was one of the calmest people there, and he threatened to kill himself. So unrealistic. This isn't how people act.

I really don't understand Professor Erwin's reactions at all. It's like he has some kind of serious psychological disorder. He clearly has absolutely no self-control, and there's no coherence to any of the things he says (or should I say 'screams') or does. He constantly contradicts himself. Someone like that shouldn't be around students; he should be committed. Except that every other adult in this story is the same way. Just about every social interaction in this story eventually devolves into a meaningless screaming match. It actually lessens the impact you're so desperately trying to make. Or is everyone in this fic simply incapable of speaking to each other like civilized adults?

I find it unlikely that Erwin would actually be an effective teacher. Snape's reign of terror certainly isn't very effective (Neville Longbottom, anyone?), so it's not reasonable to expect his teaching style to work for anyone else. You can't force people to learn through terrorism.

What is Erwin so afraid of, anyway? You never give any concrete reasoning for his actions. Was there supposed to be a point in his visit to Hogwarts? All he did was confirm that he's James's half-brother and then beg them not to tell Harry. Seriously—why?

You make a point of saying that Erwin and James were "nearly identical," and yet somehow nobody figured out that they were related? And how is it that when Dumbledore mentioned James having a brother, Snape immediately said "Thomas Erwin," but then seconds later was completely dumbfounded when Dumbledore confirmed they were brothers?

If he's so concerned about Harry being raised by the Dursleys (as well he should be), then why didn't he ever DO anything about it? He's a blood relative; he should've had some say in the matter, especially considering the relationship between Lily and her sister.

Erwin still doesn't explain why he avoided Harry for so long. And the ending was pointless and anticlimactic.

You really don't express yourself very well. Your word choices are clunky and awkward, and I get the impression that you haven't figured out what it is you're trying to say. And you raise a lot of questions in your story that you never really answer. You also go ridiculously overboard trying to create drama. Haven't you ever heard the expression "less is more?" Making your characters constantly scream at each other and overreact to every little thing isn't drama—it's bad writing.

Overall, you have some pretty weird ideas about how people behave and what's socially acceptable. Maybe you should see a therapist.

P.S. You may want to look up the definition of the word "impotent." As they say, "I do not think it means what you think it means."

I’ll start off my review by pointing out the act of publishing the first story in a fandom actually isn’t an achievement. The reason the act of publishing the first story isn’t an achievement comes down to the fact anybody can publish the first story, but more importantly a person could easily slap together something just so they can achieve such status.

On the positive side, the story isn’t one the writer threw together. On the negative side the writer feels the most important thing regarding the story is the fact said story is the first Harry Potter fanfic, for this even trumps the rather vague summary in the summary part. Even the vagueness of the summary speaks volumes.

Diving into the actual first chapter, the writer spends a lot of time describing a place which looks like a castle in the sky, yet actually isn’t. The narrative brags about how this is the only place which starts school in August despite the fact this really isn’t anything brag worthy yet sounds like something to make the school match the typical timeframe American schools start off. We’re also supposed to believe the headmistress is renowned despite the fact we’ve never heard of her in the canon material. Even more strange is how the caretaker appears closely related to Filch, the caretaker from Hogwarts. Even the fact the school is for girls seems like something meant to make the place special rather than adding something to the story.

As for Professor Erwin, in this chapter he acts like an intitled brat rather than someone who is an adult let alone in charge of teaching impressionable youth. This idea that he tried expelling students because they spoke the name of Harry Potter is ridiculous yet extreme for any teacher, yet the writer tries to hard telling the writer everyone hates this character as if they’re trying to out do Professor Snape. The way he acts when Harry defeats Voldemort again is childish. If not childish, then it is – as another reviewer pointed out – a sign he’s suffering from a major psychological disorder.

In fact, the entire first chapter is Erwin throwing a tantrum despite clearly being an adult. In fact, this was over 3,000 words of him throwing a tantrum. The fact he’s been a nonexistent person in Harry’s life is honestly – given the brattish attitude – actually a good thing.


Actually, yes, Erwin can be arrested, but then again, the writer has said character threaten to punish students for something they wouldn’t be punishable for yet threatened to kill himself to get his way. He doesn’t act like an adult, but a teenager.

I also find myself taking back what I said regarding the writer not throwing the story together, because by their own admission they did just that. Seriously, they admit spending only five days on this. The writer also claims they’re a fan of “dramatic sequences”, but what I read screams the writer actually isn’t, unless the writer means being a fan of teenage drama and making sure the world revolves around what the teenager wants rather than the world reacting to the tantrums the way they should.

As for not liking the third book – this is coming from a writer who wanted a thirteen-year-old boy to be sent to prison, yet who thinks people should be punished for trivial things and that threatening to kill oneself is okay because it’s “drama”. Seriously, nope. Not good writing.


Ok I'm here in April 2020, and although I know you wrote this almost 21 years ago and are probably in your late 30s and probably won't read this comment, I just wanted to say I respect the hell out of what you did for the fandom. Thank you.

God, this is making me nostalgic and I wasn't even alive when you wrote this.


  1. ^ "It had potential until I killed it at the end. o_O And I was thirteen. Hehe." -- comment by the author at Nov. 8th, 2003
  2. ^ fandom-history, August 31, 2003
  3. ^ from Harry Potter's Realm of Wizardry
  4. ^ from Fanfiction.net
  5. ^ from Harry Potter's Realm of Wizardry
  6. ^ from FictionAlley