Heart of the Island

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Title: Heart of the Island
Author(s): Shadowsplay
Date(s): 08 May 2020
Length: 100,000+ words
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Lost
External Links: Heart of the Island on AO3

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Heart of the Island is a romantic, erotic, and explicit, m/m slash fanfiction by shadowsplay, based upon the ABC television series Lost. It was posted on AO3 on 8 May 2020 at just over 100,000 words, the length of a standard novel.

The main characters are Sayid Jarrah, Jacob, the Man in Black/James, and Benjamin Linus. The Island itself is a mystical character in the story. The brothers Jacob and the Man in Black/James are protectors of the Island, which gives them mystical powers and makes them immortal. The story briefly includes the residents of the camp set up by the recent survivors of a plane crash, which includes Sayid Jarrah. It also briefly includes some of the previous settlers of the Island, known as the Others, which includes Benjamin Linus.

The story creates a transformative relationship between Sayid Jarrah and the two brothers, who have brought him to the Island to fulfill his destiny by becoming like themselves, as immortal and powerful protectors of the Island.


Two brothers have served and protected the Island for many hundreds of years. One of the survivors, Sayid Jarrah, is fated to be possessed by them both; one through love, and the other through darkness.[1]


“Help me, Jacob. Without you, I will be destroyed by this.” Jacob nodded his head very slightly. Sayid pictured himself the way he had left others, cruelly destroyed by evil and harm, his body left for no one to find, no one to miss, with only strangers to dispose of it. This certainly would have been his fate, the wages of his form of strength.[2]
“Will you love me, Sayid?” Jacob whispered, again bringing his lips to his, pressing into their ample softness, parting as their tongues touched and a connection of rippling fire claimed Sayid from within, his tongue and his body arching as the subtle beginning of the final contortions of loving, of spines arching and pleasure building with each moment of fire, and finding the source of that fire, the promise of ultimate union and pleasure.[3]

External links


  1. ^ Summary on AO3, accessed 08 May 2020.
  2. ^ Excerpt from Chapter 18 on AO3, accessed 08 July 2019.
  3. ^ Excerpt from Chapter 7 on AO3, accessed 08 July 2019.