Hitting Bottom

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Title: Hitting Bottom
Author(s): Catocala
Date(s): 1991
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
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Hitting Bottom is a Blake's 7 story by Catocala.

It was published in Avon Calling #2.

Reactions and Reviews

(A/V), Nice send-up. This has Avon Sozzled & Randy while Vila is the BSO. Avon goes back to his cabin trying to convince himself that he is "a rock of independence, a monolith of prepossession, a model of ultimate control" but one glimpse of Vila on his bed & he's ripping his own clothes off ("Leather flew everywhere, like a chainsaw run wild in a shoe factory"). Made me laugh, anyway.[1]

Avon is desperate for Vila, who keeps sleeping with everyone else (which is a nice reversal, obviously). It's short and quite fun.[2]
