hoʻomanawanui i ka ʻono

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Title: hoʻomanawanui i ka ʻono
Author(s): Siria
Date(s): 19 December 2010
Length: 5,190 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: hoʻomanawanui i ka ʻono (AO3)
hoʻomanawanui i ka ʻono (Dreamwidth)

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hoʻomanawanui i ka ʻono is a Steve/Danny story by Siria.

Summary: Thursday.

Author's notes: "With many thanks to Cate and Jenn for all their patient help! A dictionary of Hawaiian tells me that the title means 'Wait patiently and you shall receive what you crave.'"

Recs and Reviews

So Steve is trapped in an elevator. And the others are working on getting him out. For my first rec, I picked this one, because, well, this fic is awesome. The reason for that is that it's pretty much an overview of the fandom in fic form. It's really as much of a love letter to one's fandom as a fic ever gets to be, and I'd say more, but the story speaks for itself (and hilariously so).[1]

Have I mentioned how much I love that most getting-together scenes in Steve/Danny fic involve one of them calling the other one an asshole? Because THAT WOULD TOTALLY HAPPEN. ♥[2]


  1. ^ cccarioca in: crack_van. hoʻomanawanui i ka ʻono by Siria (Teen And Up Audiences), 03 May 2011. (Accessed 08 June 2016)
  2. ^ lamardeuse. Recs, recs, recs!, 21 December 2010. (Accessed 09 June 2016)