Holding On (Hawaii Five-0 story)

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Title: Holding On
Author(s): ms_artisan
Date(s): 30 May 2011
Length: 11,094 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: Holding On (AO3)
http://ms-artisan.livejournal.com/114543.html (defunct)

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Holding On is a Steve/Danny story by ms_artisan. It was originally posted on LiveJournal as a pre-slash story with a length of 3,100 words.

Summary: No one expected things to work out the way they did, and they're all holding on the best they can.

Recs and Reviews

Why we love it: Seeing the impact of jail on Steve, through Danny's eyes gives this fic a lot of impact. Watching them both try to cope with the fallout is painful, but in the end it is hopeful. This is a good read.[1]


  1. ^ shinysylver in: h50-rec-room. Slash Sunday (6/5/11) . (Accessed 17 May 2016)