Holding Pattern

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Title: Holding Pattern
Author(s): somehowunbroken
Date(s): 31 October 2011
Length: 6,345 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction, zombies
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: Holding Pattern (LJ)
Holding Pattern (AO3)
story banner by theeverdream

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Holding Pattern is a Steve/Danny story by somehowunbroken.

Summary: It’s been – well, some amount of time since the zombies arrived. They’re – somewhere, Danny knows, but he’s not sure where, or when they’re coming. All he knows any more is the inside of this storage unit and his partner. And waiting, and possibly losing his mind.

Recs and Reviews

Why we love it: Great dialogue and a refreshing take on the Zombie Apocalypse make this a must read. We loved Kamekona's cameo in this and all of the characterizations are solid and familiar. The sense of impending … something make this an interesting read. This isn't your typical zombie story and is all the better for it.[1]

This fic was written for the 2011 zombiebang and may be one of the more unique fusions ever conceived. This fic fuses the play "Waiting for Godot" with Hawaii Five-0 and adds zombies. For those of you who find that a bit questionable let me just assure you that this is an absolutely brilliant fic.

This isn't a typical fic by any stretch of the imagination, but it is full of great dialogue and clever writing. If you are familiar with "Waiting for Godot" you will probably realize that there isn't much action in this fic, but instead it is about painting the scene and the characters. The most important thing about this fic is how you feel when reading it.

I can promise you that you will never read another take on a zombie apocalypse quite like it.[2]


  1. ^ shinysylver in: h50-rec-room. Themed Thursday (11/17/11) - Monster Mash. (Accessed 14 May 2016)
  2. ^ shinysylver in: crack_van. Holding Pattern by somehowunbroken (R), 08 March 2012. (Accessed 08 June 2016)