Homecoming (The Last of the Wine story)

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Title: Homecoming
Author(s): shon_rowgan
Date(s): 8 August 2004
Length: 1276 words
Genre(s): sequel
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
External Links: http://maryrenaultfics.livejournal.com/

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Homecoming [1] The story begins with Alexias returning from battle. He is given Lysis’ ring and immediately goes to inform Lysis' sister and wife of his friend’s death. He resolves to marry Thalia. When he doubts if Lysis would agree he is given a sign (in the form of a butterfly) that his friend is at peace. The story is told of Alexias and Thalia’s courtship and wedding day. A coda informs the marriage was happy.

Comments by readers include:

  • The vivid recollection of the time is incredible, you really know the world you are talking about...florachan
  • Very sweet resolution of the way in which Alexsis might have "taken care of the child" for Lysis. His guilt for living and fear about being able to love are great points.lorie945
