How Shall I Love Thee, Catherine???

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Title: How Shall I Love Thee, Catherine???
Author(s): Barbara Hill
Cover Artist(s):
Illustrator(s): Teri Millman
Date(s): March 1992
Medium: print
Size: digest-sized, 70 pages
Genre: het
Fandom: Beauty and the Beast (TV)
Language: English
External Links: online here
front cover
Click here for related articles on Fanlore.
frontispiece, utilizes Dover clip art

How Shall I Love Thee, Catherine??? is an explicit 70-page het Beauty and the Beast (TV) Classic novel by Barbara Hill.

The art is by Teri Milliman (back nudity only) The front cover contains an applied photo.

The zine includes poems:

  • Thinking by Heidelore T. Davidson
  • A Gift for Me by Heidelore T. Davidson
  • Rainbow Bridge by Heidelore T. Davidson
  • Watching by Heidelore T. Davidson
  • Erotic Nightmares by Steve Gibb
  • The Animal by Steve Gibb
  • If I Ever Had to Say Good-bye to You by Steve Gibb

From a Flyer

Catherine finally gets a kiss from Vincent! One things leads to another, and she soon discovers what she has suspected is true -- his heart and soul are not the only thing special about him. Everything about Vincent is unique.



Zine Dedication

This zine is dedicated to Linda Hamilton and Ron Perlman, the true magic behind Beauty And The Beast. With much love and gratitude for all the wonderful hours of love. tenderness, romance and beauty they've already given us, and with fervent hope that there wi11 be even more to come???

Author's Comments

I was very pleasantly surprised when Gwen Lord presented me with the award I won at the English B&B convention. Especially for this particular story. I had more fun with this one than I have anything else I've written. It's nice to know that it went over so well. I've received about a half dozen orders for this one since the beginning of the year. Nice surprise. Seems Gwen is still recommending it. [1]

Sample Interior

Reactions and Reviews

This novel focuses on the physical aspect of Vincent and Catherine's relationship, from first kiss to ultimate consummation of their love. Explicit but tasteful sex scenes. Nice art and poetry.[2]

The title question is answered by a well written erotic progression from mostly-clothed heavy petting to full-contact horizontal aerobics. Hill offers some interesting speculations on Vincent's slightly different psycho-sexual responses and capabilities. A series of erotic encounters; the characterizations are credible and the dialogue...including much moaning, purring, and heavy well done. Hill assumes a two-way bond and writes persuasively about some of the effects of that connection in V/C's growing sexual awareness of each other. In Hill's version, V is different-but not too different-from the human male norm; the resulting portrait is quite charming. In this “first time” story, V is relatively confident and never turns back from the progression from petting to sex, once it's begun. The result is a sunny, pleasant, unconflicted, and literate account of two adults' growing closeness and physical happiness together. An X rating might have been more appropriate, given the zine's erotic focus and graphic dramatizations, complete with body parts...but the writer/publisher says otherwise. Tasteful (backal nudity only) drawings by Teri Milliman; poems by Heidelore T. Davidson and Steve Gibb.[3]
