Howling to the moon

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Title: Howling to the moon
Author(s): Bouncy_cat
Date(s): 13 February 2012
Length: 18,863 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction, Werewolf AU
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: Howling to the moon (AO3)

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Howling to the moon is a Steve/Danny story by Bouncy_cat.

Summary: Alternate universe of shapeshifters. Steve creates his own little pack, but there's something wrong with Danny...

Recs and Reviews

Awwww this fic is so wonderful I love it so much! :) this universe is just perfect, kind of like a mixture of a Shapeshifters fic and the sentinel or soul bond universes... I've never read a Shapeshifters fic like this, with the whole organization thing and them being sort of known and the mating and everything. Just so well done in this aspect, with building this AU universe and everything. Just wonderful! And Danno's past and the whole pack thing and everything was absolutely wonderful and perfect, and of course my boys gave me the feels, and their relationship was amazing :) I loved the whole tent conversation, where Danny has to make sure that it isn't one sided. And then Kono with the 'awwww' lol!!! I actually did laugh out loud. Just a perfect AU! I love it so much :)[1]

I'm loving this verse so much. I'm such a sucker for werewolf stories and this is great. Love Alpha Steve and adore how danny's trying to get closer to him all the time and the core four being a pack.[2]

I'm totally loving this 'verse, and I can't wait to read more. The fact that Danny has such limited knowledge about who he is is heartbreaking, but it's absolutely fascinating. More! More![3]


  1. ^ BookMeDanny. Comment, 27 November 2015. (Accessed 15 May 2016)
  2. ^ Comment, 04 April 2012. (Accessed 15 May 2016)
  3. ^ BymagaJones. Comment, 05 April 2012. (Accessed 15 May 2016)