I may be a dumbass, but I'm not stupid!

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Title: I may be a dumbass, but I'm not stupid!
Author(s): IzzyMRDB
Date(s): June 24, 2020 - April 16, 2022 (incomplete)
Length: 93,814 words
Fandom(s): Percy Jackson
External Links: AO3

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I may be a dumbass, but I'm not stupid! is an ongoing gen Percy Jackson fic by IzzyMRDB and the first work in the Dumbass doesn't mean stupid 'verse. It has over 250,000 hits and 7,000 kudos on AO3 and 400 reviews on Fanfiction.net. The author has turned off future comments on AO3, but already has over 3,000.

Reactions and Reviews

Every time I reread this fic, I wonder what the author is going to throw in with worldbuilding and mythological lore. They rewrite the story to show more human elements to the gods' side of the story, without diminishing the Generational Trauma that is caused by them. Percy feels a lot more like your average kid, they point out how much he is basically a baby at the time of TLT, and how he grows up. Fun original take on Percy Jackson, without dismissing Greek Mythology. Really long, at nearly 100k words, and the author is still active.

Belle Rosa B[1]
