If I Could Turn Back Time (Teen Wolf fic)

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Title: If I Could Turn Back Time
Author(s): Menacherie
Date(s): Published:2012-04-21
Length: 5,502 words
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Teen Wolf
External Links: link at AO3

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If I Could Turn Back Time by Menacherie is a Derek/Stiles fic with time travel and AU tropes. The fic has been translated to Russian and Chinese.


Stiles wakes up in a world in which Kate Argent was never born.

Reactions and Reviews

This fic is one of the more popular ones when it comes to reccing Teen Wolf time travel fics.[1][2][3][4]

This is so sweet. It's a story about being able to give someone you love something impossible that they really need. It's just such a feel-good fic.[5]

Oh God, now I'm crying like I haven't cried over a fic in so long. I owe you that. Your story kind of broke my heart but I'm happy to have read it so, thank you for that. I hope you have a nice day and pursue your writing. Bye![6]

No matter how many times I read this story, I always love it!

When it popped up on my dash this time and I read it? I though........there should be a sequel! You should write a story about the Derek that got left when Stiles went back to his Derek and pack!

Stiles told him to find the Stiles from there! He should do that! Introduce him to all the family. AND, tell him the story of another Stiles who visited for a month, the other Derek's life, and the other Stiles told him to find him...made him WANT to find him and have his very own Stiles![7]


  1. ^ Rec post, accessed March 7, 2015
  2. ^ Rec post, accessed March 7, 2015
  3. ^ Rec post, accessed March 7, 2015
  4. ^ Rec post, accessed March 7, 2015
  5. ^ Rec Post, accessed March 7, 2015
  6. ^ comment on the fic, accessed March 7, 2015
  7. ^ comment on fic, accessed March 7, 2015