In Case The Scene Gets Nasty

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Title: In Case The Scene Gets Nasty
Author(s): softlyforgotten and zarah5
Date(s): Oct 5, 2009
Length: 90,571 words, 9 chapters
Genre(s): High School AU, Romance
Fandom(s): Panic! At The Disco
External Links: LiveJournal
Wattpad (illegitimate) (illegitimate)
AO3 (userlocked)
Series (Wayback)

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In Case The Scene Gets Nasty is a Ryden High School AU fic written in collaboration by softlyforgotten and zarah5. It has over 250 comments on LiveJournal, 14,000 reads on Wattpad, a 4.39 rating on Goodreads, and 23,000 hits and 700 kudos on AO3. It's also called fistfights!, the series name.

Reactions and Reviews

i found this on arctic_grays memorable list and I've sat here and read through this whole thing up to here today. and i have to get up early but ill be damned if i dont read the last two chapters you are amazing. this is like.. the internet version of a book that i cant for the life of me put down


*3.5. i remembered this as being one of the best enemies to lovers that i had ever read, but i was 14 at the time and more okay with reading about teenaged boys being nasty. some of that shine has definitely worn off now that i'm in my 20s... i stand by it doing the enemies to lovers trope well, though.


This is honestly one of the best ryden fanfictions that I've come across so far. I absolutely love your writing style and how you switch between Brendons and ryans point of view so effortlessly. I'm also a huge sucker for the hate turn love stories and I think your characterisations of all of the characters are brilliant . The pacing was also quite steady and consistent . And I just adore their relationship how it evolves from enemies to eventual love. All ryden shippers need to read this fanfic . I think you deserve a lot more reviews and favourites .


I read this years ago on LJ. To this day it is the best fanfic I ever read across many fandoms. I always come back to it when I feel sad. Thanks for writing this <3


This was so much fun to read! Back when I first started writing, I wrote a lot about relationships that were essentially like this, with so much anger and so much hate-except-not-really and it was really nice to get to read this when I haven't seen or done anything like it in awhile!


I love this fic so much - I first read it years ago, then re-read it once or twice or maybe a lot more. But then I sort of stopped reading so much ryden, so it had slipped off my radar until yesterday, when I was listening to the mountain goats and heard the lyric "in case the scene gets nasty" and thought wait a minute, why does that sound so familiar? Of course then I had to go back and reread it again twice, and it is absolutely as fantastic as the first time. I've never seen anything that manages to be so heartwarming while dealing with such tough topics and rough characters. Thanks for an amazing read :)


I love the cliche of Brendon and Ryan hating each other and this fic was hurt-y and awesome in the best way. XP I love all the misunderstandings and how they grew and changed. I felt so bad about Brendon’s situation, but he’s so strong to be able to make it on his own. I felt horrible about how alone Brendon was and how much he has to do to make ends meet. And it broke my heart how much he loved his family, missed them, and how Kara was his only connection to his family. And the encounter with his dad was so painful. =( And then there was Ryan, with his denial, and it’s kind of cute how he just wants and he’s willing to go across the country for Brendon but is too scared to say that he loves him, haha. And really, the ending was kind of perfect for this fic (even if I’d want more fluff, but that wasn’t the tone of the fic, so it works).


this is kind of a classic, or at least a fandom favorite. i think you should definitely read it at least once.


I loved this fic so much that after I finished it I had to read it all over again, this time not rushing through it to see how it ended and savouring the details and the style of writing. I think I want to read it a third time though! It's really really beautiful, the characters feel so real and all the dialogues are so natural. Thank you for this gem <3


This is a masterpiece. Seriously, it's in league with every really awesome book I've ever read. I didn't want to stop until I finished, and with school that frustrated me...and then, when I did finish, I regretted it. I didn't want it to end, but it ended so beautifully, and. I never sleep well after I finish an excellent story, especially if I haven't had time to gush about it...and let me tell you, I didn't get much sleep last night. And my first thought was about this amazing fic.



  1. ^ Comment (2010)
  2. ^ Review (2022)
  3. ^ Review (2018)
  4. ^ Comment on Chapter 1 (2020)
  5. ^ Comment on Chapter 2 (2011)
  6. ^ Comment on Chapter 2 (2016)
  7. ^ [P!ATD – Ryan/Brendon zarah5 & softlyforgotten – In Case the Scene Gets Nasty] at Simple Pleasures (2010)
  8. ^ Rec (2013)
  9. ^ Comment on Chapter 9 (2011)
  10. ^ Comment on Chapter 9 (2009)