Intersections (Stargate Atlantis story)

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Title: Intersections
Author(s): Kaneko
Date(s): 2006?
Length: 151K
Fandom(s): Stargate Atlantis
External Links: it was here, now at AO3

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Intersections is a Stargate AtlantisJohn/Rodney story by Kaneko.


"Rodney’s Antarctica is a lot like Siberia in that it’s full of scientists who work 16-hour days and bathe once a week (twice when they’re feeling social), and who would slit your throat for a fresh banana. Also, you can’t go for a walk without a survival kit, but that’s fine - Rodney’s never really been an outdoorsy person."

DVD Commentary

A fan's 2006 DVD commentary is here.

Reactions and Reviews

Unknown Date

An alternate version of John and Rodney's first meeting -- early after Rodney's arrival at Antarctica. Between the casual-but-reluctantly-escalating relationship and the amazing backstory for both characters, this story is damn close to perfect. [1]


This is an amazing piece, both for characterization and for sheer depth. And it's funny. And it joins up seamlessly with the series start. And it explains away several of the more confusing contradictions in the pilot. Not enough for you? There's also math! Clowns getting kicked in the nuts! Pears! Sex in a tent! Seriously, this is the story for the fan who wants it all. And it's one of those that I'd recommend to anyone, even people who don't read in this fandom. On those rare occasions when they cautiously poke their heads out of their lead-lined bunkers, twitching helplessly from yet another round of merciless SGA pimping. Poor souls. I think of them often. Usually in terms of what I'll rec if I ever get one in my sights. This has to top the list, because although prior canon knowledge helps, it isn't required, and it really shows off the two characters who appeal to me most in SGA. (McKay and Sheppard. Of course. Surely you didn't have to ask?) [2]


This one is a fantastic introduction to the main slash pairing of the fandom (in fact the main pairing full stop): John Sheppard and Rodney McKay. It's set right at the start of the series, so it doesn't require canon knowledge, and it's long and detailed and beautifully written. [3]


This is a really good fic for someone just starting out in the fandom, considering it's set before the pilot. It's all about how John and Rodney have nothing in common at all. Right? [4]

Damn, I marked this with an extra reccing exclamation point and now I am not remembering why just from the title. Drat. Let's go look it up: OH. THAT ONE. Yes, this is an awesome fic. It has a couple of key bullet points that I thought were masterfully done. One was that John and Rodney in this do a hell of a lot of Not Talking, which is so blazingly in character, but Kaneko tells vignettes of their past that coalesce just grandly as the story goes on until their joking about having nothing in common begins to break your heart as a reader. It's worth the extra exclamation points. SGA, pre-series through pilot, Sheppard/McKay, NC-17. [5]


What I was really impressed with in this pre-canon story was the style of writing. This was a joy to read. It really wouldn’t surprise me if it turned out the author was a professional writer. The dialogue was very spot-on and in character. I loved how we got to know a lot about John’s and Rodney’s childhoods without it getting boring or pointless. Also, that tent scene was magic. I was sad to discover that according to ao3 Kaneko has only written this one SGA fanfic.

I have not listened to the podfic version of this yet so I cannot comment about the quality of it. [6]
