Juleka Couffaine/Rose Lavillant

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Pairing: Juleka Couffaine/Rose Lavillant
Alternative name(s): Julerose
Gender category: F/F, Femslash
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug
Canonical?: Yes(?)
Prevalence: Common
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Juleka Couffaine/Rose Lavillant is a femslash pairing in the Miraculous Ladybug fandom.


The pairing is largely implied due to implicit references to them being in a relationship. In 2021, the creator suggested during an exchange on Twitter with a fan that the reason it was not made more apparent that the pair were dating was due to censorship of media in countries where the show was very popular[1].


(history of fannish interest in the ship - fan activities, meta discussions, first appearance of ship in fanworks, etc.)

Fan Commentary

(overview of fans' reactions to the ship, including relevant quotes from both within and outside the fandom)


Def a gay_irl moment, but it's all on Zag and Disney to be like "yeah they gay"


At this point, do they really have to? Most gay people in real life don’t announce they’re gay to everyone just for the sake of doing so; they merely spend time with their significant others, come what may when it’s observed. Those who know about homosexuality probably can figure out that such people are gay, and those who don’t can’t. It’s obvious they’re gay to just about everyone here.


I mean, they don't have to announce it. Subtly is a thing. Like having Rose or Juleka give the other a quick peck on the lips for whatever reason.

Or like Marinette wants to invite her friends to something and they are all turning her down for one reason or another, and Juleka just goes, "Sorry, me and Rose are on a date right now."

You don't need her to go, "Hey, everyone! I'm in lesbian with Rose!"

Common Tropes and Fanon


Creator Response

Example Fanworks





Other Fanworks


(This is where any fannish essays discussing the ship are to be linked.)

Archives and Communities

Other Fannish Resources

(Rec Lists, Big Bangs, Thing-a-thons, Holiday Exchanges, wiki links, etc.)
