Junji Ito Crossover: Uzumaki/Gyo

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Title: Junji Ito Crossover: Uzumaki/Gyo
Author(s): Clausus intra Spiralus/NOT_Kirie_Goshima
Date(s): September 10, 2015 (first chapter published), October 30, 2015 (latest update)
Length: 3 chapters, 7218 words (work in progress)
Genre(s): Crossover, Hurt/Comfort, Slash, Crack Treated Seriously
Fandom(s): Uzumaki, Gyo (Junji Ito)
External Links: Read here

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Junji Ito Crossover: Uzumaki/Gyo, more frequently referred to simply as "the Uzumaki/Gyo crossover," is a fanfiction based on two different mangas by Junji Ito and focusing on the main character of one and the deuteragonist of the other. It is currently a work in progress, and the only known fanfiction of its pairing, TadaShui.


Shortly after jokingly posting about shipping Tadashi from Gyo with Shuichi from Uzumaki, Clausus intra Spiralus began to ship it seriously, and eventually came to the conclusion that she should write a crossover between the two mangas, specifically for the purpose of shipping Tadashi and Shuichi (a ship now referred to by fans as TadaShui).

Summary (Chapter 1)

Tadashi, one of the only survivors of the recent plague-induced apocalypse, is out searching for other immune survivors, when he notices a young man passed out in a ditch who doesn't appear to be infected--Shuichi. When Shuichi wakes up, he is extremely confused as to where he is, as he last passed out in the Spiral city underneath Kurozu-Cho, and becomes even more confused upon learning that the year is 1994. Tadashi is equally confused, as to exactly why Shuichi doesn't think it's really 1994. He later learns that Shuichi, born in 1934, was frozen in time since 1952, and stil believes that to be the year. After much panicking over the time, Shuichi finds out that his lover and object of worship, Kirie Goshima, is presumed deceased. He makes multiple attempts on his own life, and when this proves impossible, becomes robot-like and increasingly submissive to the other plague survivors, including Tadashi, who is tasked with taking care of him. Over the next four months, Tadashi cares for and becomes increasingly attached to Shuichi, and Shuichi develops a crush on Tadashi out of sheer desperation for human interaction after having been shunned by the people of his hometown for so long. Tadashi initially is conflicted over whether or not he'd be okay to date a ninteen-year-old in the first place, being twenty-four, however one of his groupmates, original character Mariko Horie, convinces him that it's okay because they are both adults and they've both suffered a lot an are starved of affection. During this chapter, we are also shown a vignette set in the year 2753, where Kirie is actually alive and living a lavish and successful life as a living historical figure to the people of Japan. In her time, Shuichi is long dead.

Summary (Chapter 2/ Filler Chapter 1)

A much more humorous chapter, in which Tadashi decides to make Shuichi wear a t-shirt and shorts, as wearing a suit all the time is not characteristic of fashion in the 90s--at least, not to the extent at which it was in the 40s. Shuichi is extremely flustered and vows never to dress fashionably again until wearing less revealing clothing comes back in style, and then proceeds to make Tadashi dress formally in revenge.

Summary (Chapter 3 / Filler Chapter 2)

In contrast to Chapter 1's confusion theme and Chapter 2's humor theme, Chapter 3 focuses on Shuichi's trauma at the hands of the Spiral that is not shared by anybody else on the entire planet. Tadashi is worried about Shuichi and knows nothing of his past except that it must have been awful given Shuichi's emotional state, and makes multiple attempts to ask about what happened; to Shuichi and to his hometown, which nobody can find on any maps anywhere. Each attempt is dismissed by Shuichi claiming that Tadashi could never believe him. Eventually, Shuichi gets angry and explains that even his fellow witnesses to the disaster didn't believe him, and thus somebody who didn't see it happen couldn't possibly. Tadashi becomes equally angry, explaining that he watched the world end at the hands of a disease created by members of his own family, and that Shuichi wasn't the only one of the two who'd witnessed awful things happen. However, after this fight, Shuichi ultimately decides to tell Tadashi, as he can't bear that nobody else has even heard of the story besides himself. Shuichi explains the disaster of Kurozu-Cho to Tadashi and even admits his own psychic abilities, fully expecting to be dismissed forever as a madman, however Tadashi insists that he believes him despite not understanding most of what he said.