Just One Year of Love

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Title: Just One Year of Love
Author(s): Catherine Kendall
Date(s): 1994
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
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Just One Year of Love is a Blake's 7 story by Catherine Kendall.

It was published in Avon Calling #3.

Reactions and Reviews

Vila seduces Tarrant, with a sort of wine that Tarrant doesn't realise is an aphrodisiac. They're both so randy they're clumsy, and V clonks his head on the table. The next day, everyone else thinks Ta raped V. Tarrant also thinks this, because he's forgotten. All is well in the end. Ta/V isn't one of my fave pairings, and I'm not that keen on stories that find Deep Meaningful Inspiration in Soppy Pop Lyrics, but if you are otherwise, you would like it. For romantics though, definitely.[1]

Tarrant and Vila have sex while they're blasted, and in the process Vila is accidentally hurt (not seriously). Everyone is convinced that Tarrant raped Vila, although they both deny it (I don't really like the premise because I don't take it as a given that everyone would think this of Tarrant). Still, if you like V/T, it's not bad. [2]

And... I didn't read this one either! But in order to justify my extravagence in buying a lot of B/A smut, I did think 'well, this is good. It's a V/T and I live in the same house as (probably) the only V/T shipper in existence, so I will give the zine to her and she can read it, and that will be a Good Deed'. Alas, wellharkather says that this reads like slash written by a child. She was mightily disappointed. Fortunately, at the same time as I bought this and all the F&I, I also bought 'Liberator Fantasies', which features a V/T story so good ("Path of Thorns" by Mitzi Tick and Felicia Adams) that Robin texted me in Amsterdam saying: 'KATY. KATY. ALL MY DREAMS HAVE COME TURE. The last v/t fic is everything i've ever wanted ... YOUR PURCHASES ARE THE MOST VALID!!!' (So, more on that later.) [3]
