Lay Down Your Sweet and Weary Head

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Title: lay down your sweet and weary head
Author(s): Elenothar
Date(s): 2013 - 2016
Length: 125,319 words
Genre(s): Time Travel, Pre-Slash
Fandom(s): The Hobbit
External Links: AO3

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lay down your sweet and weary head is a The Hobbit time travel story by Elenothar, focused on Thorin Oakenshield and to a lesser extant the pairing of Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield.


Thorin dies. Thorin wakes up. He is understandably confused by this, especially since he appears to be in the Erebor he knew as a young dwarf, about to be attacked by a dragon. A time-travel fic with Thorin as the one living his life twice.

Reactions and Reviews

A time-travel fic where Thorin dies, then wakes on the day the dragon arrived in Erebor. A gripping exploration of what might have happened had the dragon been defeated, overwoven with Thorin’s efforts to make the lives of his family, friends, and overall his people better. In doing so, he grows and matures, and realises that events from his past might have had a different interpretation than the one he’d initially put on then. Just wonderful.[1]

It’s beautiful. In fact, I fell in love with the character of Thorin during the course of this story and it changed a great many things about how I think about the fandom and influenced my own characterization of him in ways I probably haven’t even realized yet. If you only read one Hobbit fanfic your whole life–this is the one you should read.[2]

very slow burn, more pining pre-slash actually, time travel (again, a gift to this fandom because BotFA broke all of us), fix it yet not really fix-it it’s complicated, durin family, thorin-centric.[3]

Lay down your sweet and weary head, by Elenothar is a time-travel fic where Thorin is the one being given a second chance. He won’t make the same mistakes twice, but nothing is ever quite the same. We get a glimpse of dwarven politics, gold-madness, Thorin’s relationship with his family and the burdens he bears.[4]

Thorin relives his life starting from the dragon attack. Thorin and Erebor and Line of Durin’s centric! So much wonderful worldbuilding and family feels![5]

If you are tired of fics where Bilbo goes back in time and saves everyone (not that those are bad, they are absolutely awesome, it’s just I crave for more Thorin) this one is for you. A lot of confused and guilt-riddled Thorin (what is new), Durin family dynamics, a very much alive Frerin, and the Company.[6]

it’s a time-travel fix-it fic (me? reading a time-travel fix-it fic? shocker, I know) for The Hobbit and oh my god. oh my god. it was my first dip into the fanfiction side of the fandom and, exactly like LiS, I started with a fic that twisted up my insides and have rendered me useless. I’m having trouble getting over it enough to dive into another fic of any kind.[7]

Yaaaaaas! I found a new thing - this thing is time traveling to fix everything. Love it. I need more of it!! (This fic is light on the Thilbo - heavy on the Thorin & Fam.)[8]

I have a bunch of Bagginshield/Hobbitfics that I adore and revisit, but this one blows my mind every time. It’s Thorin-centric and Bagginshield is very much in the background so I’m not 100% one can call it a Bagginshield fic but I love these deep dives into character arcs especially when the character is thrust into a bonkers AF “What-if” scenario.[9]

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