Life Isn't Fair Trilogy

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Title: Life Isn't Fair Trilogy
Author(s): Kris and Jenny
Date(s): 1998-2000
Length: 57+ chapters
Genre(s): het
Fandom(s): Hanson
External Links: and

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The Life Isn't Fair Trilogy is a series of three Hanson fanfics written by Kris and Jenny. The first story in the trilogy, Dazed, Confused and Horny is the best known; it is followed by Someday We'll Know and Getting Over It. Like I'm Not A Playa I Just Crush A Lot, this trilogy was controversial for its graphic sex scenes.

Reactions and Reviews

Yet ANOTHER gripe... "Best Funny Story" (which, any educated person would realize would normally be reffered to as a COMEDY) fails to showcase "Tulsa 74132". Sure, they're not updating anymore, but it's still by FAR the funniest creation on the internet, and to get shunned in such a way to stories with absolutely no substance whatsoever such as the awful "Dazed, Confused, and Horny" or whatever it's called is an insult to the entire genre known as Hanson fanfiction.[1]


Dazed, Confused and Horny won awards in the Really Big Hanson Fanfic Awards.
