Louder Than Words

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Title: Louder Than Words
Author(s): Dorothy Marley
Date(s): 14 May 1998
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Law and Order
External Links: Fic on Squidge, Fic on AO3, Podfic

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Louder Than Words is a Mike Logan/Ben Stone slash fic that was originally published in the zine Law and Ardor. It was rated NC-17 at the time of publishing, and featured the summary As Mike Logan investigates the Lowenstein case, he and Ben Stone begin to re-evaluate their broken relationship.. Marley herself stated that the story takes place during the episode Indifference. Interestingly, because of the zine's publishing rules, Marley posted the fic 2 years after she wrote it, and had written "twenty-odd" stories in the process. She notes:

If I were writing this for the first time now, I'm sure there are things I would do differently, and I've made some revisions from the original. But I certainly wouldn't change a single moment of the experience.

The author recorded a podfic of the story; the podfic is available at the Audiofic Archive.[1] File info: mp3, 73 MB, 1:46:51.


  1. ^ Louder Than Words, 14 April 2008. (Accessed 30 August 2010)