Love Is A Kind Of Warfare

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Title: Love Is A Kind Of Warfare
Author(s): bri617
Date(s): October 4, 2014 - February 17, 2015
Length: 71,694 words (11 chapters)
Genre(s): Mature, AU, Romance, Action, Angst
Fandom(s): Arrow
External Links: at AO3

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Love Is A Kind Of Warfare is a Oliver/Felicity fanfic by bri617.


Arranged marriage AU: One week ago, Oliver Queen married Felicity Smoak, heir to the SmoakSolutions empire. A match made in business heaven. The only problem? He hates her. She hates him even more...

The fic is a Season 1 rewrite, retelling how Felicity and Oliver met and changed how they entered each other's lives. It also contains Felicity & Tommy friendship and Tommy/Laurel pairing.

Main Characters List:

There are appearances by Donna Smoak, Thea Queen, Moira Queen, Malcolm Merlyn, Laurel Lance, and other Arrow Characters.

Warnings: Torture, Kidnapping, Hate to Love, Smut

Reception & Comments

Love Is A Kind Of Warfare has 281 comments, 157 bookmarks and 1445 kudos at AO3.[1]

"Do I like it? You bet I do! I devour arranged/convenient marriage stories like it's nobody's business. Please write more.. I can't wait for the inevitable angst, and judging from that teeny bit of jealousy, I'm willing to bet big bucks that he's ought to show more of that possessive streak when it comes to wifey."[2]

"Falling so hard for this fic it's ridiculous and the characterization is so accurate but not forced or overdone it just goes so well and holy hell the Russian speaking oh go s h help me."[3]

"I mean, don't we have to deal with enough angst in the real show? WHY?!! I'm sad. You made me sad. Fix it, please :-( PLEASSEEEE! But I love this story to pieces :-)"[4]

"Loved it!! And for the record I loved the previous chapter too. One of the things I think is great about this is that you write Felicity as not freaking perfect. I like that she had a (understandable) freak out after finding out the truth and rather than speedily coming to some wise and understanding conclusion, she struggled to come to terms w things. How very human of her!!! Then you brought in Digg and that was both authentic and very honest feeling. Plus I love me some Digg. This chapter's interaction between Oliver and Felicity was a beautiful mix of mature, heartfelt communication and some sweet romantic goodness. This is a fabulous story and you are very talented at your craft. Thanks!"[5]

"Not a big surprise there, but I looooooved this chapter! your story is amazing, and it made me feel bad that you actually got not so encouraging comments on last week's chapter, because I thought that it was still really good. And you obviously had to write a reallyyyyy angsty chapter to get to this chapter, so I totally get it. And I agree with you, even in the actual TV show Olicity's relationship is not all fluff and rainbows, if anything lately it's been really angsty (despite the crossover this week that was a little lighter)! so I really get why you're writing them this way, and I really enjoy it! I'm convinced that to write a good Olicity fanfic, I mean one that takes your breathe away (like this one!) you have to take darker paths just to go the lighter ones after (like the title of this chapter very well explained haha)! so yeah, I truly hope you keep writing this story. Every Saturday morning I find myself procrastinating on everything just to read the new chapter, and I wouldn't mind to keep doing it! so please, keep writing this amazing-breathe taking-so well written-absolutely beautiful fanfic!!! "[6]


  1. ^ Information is all as of February 18, 2015.
  2. ^ Val. AO3. Posted 05 Oct 2014. (Accessed February 18 2015)
  3. ^ infinityonfic. AO3. Posted 21 Nov 2014. (Accessed February 18 2015)
  4. ^ Samij. AO3. Posted 29 Nov 2014. (Accessed February 18 2015)
  5. ^ hollicita. AO3. Posted 05 Dec 2014. (Accessed February 18 2015)
  6. ^ Julie. AO3. Posted 06 Dec 2014. (Accessed February 18 2015)