Meet Me in the Morning

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Title: Meet Me in the Morning
Author(s): monroeslittle
Date(s): July 22, 2015
Length: 25,401 words
Genre(s): Time Loop, Groundhog Day
Fandom(s): The 100
External Links: AO3
Moodboard by bellarkeficrecs (2021)

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Meet Me in the Morning by monroeslittle is a canonverse time loop story in The 100 fandom, focused on the pairing of Bellarke. It one "Best Canon Fiction" at the 2016 Bellarke Fanfiction Awards.


“I guess one of us is messed up,” he said, “and it’s part of our hallucination that the other is, too.” He paused. “Seems appropriately hellish that my mind sticks me with you.”

She pursed her lips. “Likewise.”

AU. Clarke is trapped in a stupid time loop, and guess who's trapped with her?

Reactions and Reviews

Trapped in a time loop. So well done, excellent storytelling, I love it.[1]

here is one of my all-time favorite fics to get me through the emotional turbulence. In a Groundhog Day (or Supernatural) type time-loop, Clarke tries everything to break the cycle. She eventually realizes that Bellamy is in the same loop, and has also tried everything he can think of in order to stop reliving the same damn day. Of course, nothing has worked…yet. With only their least favorite person to keep the other sane, the pair eventually begins to learn more about each other and rely on one another in ways they never imagined. Read this if you are in dire need of some slow burn OST[2]

When I say I cannot think of a better time-loop/Groundhogs Day story among ALL media (like even real books), I fucking mean it. This fic is exquisite. This fic is what dreams are made of. This fic is just so so so so so good. I’ve read a lot of Bellarke in my time and this is probably tied for first with ‘Survivor’s Guilt’ in my opinion. It’s not that long of a read, so just go and read it![3]

This fic. This fucking fic. It ruined me. I mean, all the fics on this list ruined me in different ways, but this was the first canonverse fic I read for Bellarke that DESTROYED ME (in the best fucking way possible). Before I read this fic, I had really only read Bellarke AUs (mostly courtesy of @asroarke, seriously I can never thank that woman enough) and then I found this fic and… fucking hell. It’s just SO GOOD. It ticks so many of my boxes:

Bellarke? ✔ Time loops??? ✔ Brushing Finn off? ✔ Giving Wells more of a purpose ? ✔ Ambiguous but fulfilling ending? ✔ Emotional conversations? ✔ Smut? ✔ Feelings of ISOLATION??? ✔

Time loops and Bellarke, literally what else could I ask for?[4]

Meet Me in the Morning paints an in-depth complex relationship between Clarke and Bellamy, taking them from strangers to friends to lovers, all while being true to their character, and most importantly making you actually see how their partnership can easily include romance without ruining their dynamic. And that, if nothing else has convinced you until now, makes it most definitely worth a read.[5]

I’m half convinced at this point that everything monroeslittle writes is magic, so here have here her full list of works too. (x) This one is my favourite because it’s canon S1 bellarke stuck in a timeloop, and it’s angsty and heartfelt all the same, and it made me have way too much feelings, okay.[6]

an epic time loop/groundhog day fic on par with tea and no sympathy[7]

I really, really love this fic. It’s one of the first ones I read and it has still stuck with me. I love the way Bellarke’s relationship develops in this one.[8]

meet me in the morning by monroeslittle still fucks me up to this day[9]

Meet Me in the Morning by monroeslittle, aka the Groundhog Day AU that will gut punch you but also cure you with fluff and sex[10]
