Morning on Lykabettos

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Title: Morning on Lykabettos
Author(s): millamant
Date(s): 28 September 2006
Length: 977 words
Genre(s): sequel
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
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Morning on Lykabettos[1]

This story was the first fanfiction ever written by millamant (in any universe). The general premise of the story has Alexias going up to the mountain to set snares for rabbits and hunt for his family. As he does he remembers family members, Sokrates and Lysis. The story focuses on his feelings of loss at the deaths of so many. It contains many beautiful images of the mountain and evokes images of characters within the novel.

Comments by readers include:

  • The style, vocabulary, and phrasing invoke Renault's writing without sounding forced or derivative. That can't be easy.tekalynn
  • This is simply beautiful. And exactly what I imagine a mature Alexias to reflect about his life. coraldawn
