Mouse (Beauty and the Beast)

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Name: Mouse
Fandom: Beauty and the Beast (TV)
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Mouse is a Beauty and the Beast (TV) character.

He is often portrayed with his pet racoon.

1995 Comments About Cons

I preceded to do a few [pro cons], and I wasn't that keen... Then George R.R. Martin hooked me up with fan run conventions. The fan run conventions are imminently more fun. History will prove me out in the fact that I had pretty much ceased to do conventions because I was finding that I wasn't being able to meet anybody. I understand the idea of being a commodity and all that, but it wasn't healthy for me at the time because I was traveling around and there were hundreds of people there to meet me and nothing would have made me happier than to sit and meet each and all - every one of them. I was pretty lonely in my life and I felt very isolated from the people that I had flown thousands of miles to meet. George asked me how the conventions were going and I told him that and he said, "Well, there are fan run conventions." [...] He had been doing conventions for along time and he knew all the ins and outs. He said there was this one in Dallas coming up that was fan run and you should try it. I said. Tell them to give me a ring' and they did." I had the time of my life. It was all the difference in the world. It was one of the best weekends I've ever had as have been several conventions since. But that one, in particular, was really a lot of fun. It was great being there with George. Something I also liked very much, was that there was a sort of an interdisciplinary thing going on because this was a science fiction, across the board, convention. So there were Trek people. Do Who people, and general science fiction people. People who were only interested in books. There were some people there who were interested in hard science. There was a lot going on. I was really happy to be at this thing where I was guest of honor amongst people like George and other writers that I've been reading for along time. It just made me feel good about myself. And I think it’s very interesting for everybody and also it exposes a lot of people to the other shows. So, as much as I enjoy exclusively Beauty and the Beast conventions, I have a great bang at the ones that have science fiction thrown in too. That particular weekend was a great release because, instead of being like the special guest and carted back and forth, I was pretty much interested in doing my thing, enjoying myself then rushing off stage so that I could get over here and listen to so and so talk. I was having a great time. [1]

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  1. ^ from Crystal Rose Newsletter #36 (1995)