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Title: Needs
Author(s): Jane Terry
Date(s): 1997
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Man from U.N.C.L.E.
External Links: online here

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Needs is a Man from U.N.C.L.E. story by Jane Terry.

It was printed in Classified Affairs #3 and is online.

Reactions and Reviews

A little h/c, a little b/d, and a lot of honest emotion. I found this look at the cracks in Napoleon's psyche to be engrossing and believable, and her IK was lovely. There's a tenderness to the interactions between the two men here that was very compelling.[1]

Illya gets too much angst in fanfic. He's been tortured, raped, forced to relive his horrible childhood...and a whole lot of other unpleasant things I've conveniently blocked from my mind.

This story puts the shoe firmly on the other foot. Napoleon is captured by Thrush, and endures a terrible ordeal involving paralytic drugs, steel manacles, uncontrolled seizures, cigarette burns, threats of sexual assault...but he isn't actually raped. However, after being rescued, he becomes obssessed with the idea of bondage and anal penetration. He dreams about it, fantasizes about it. He wonders if he is going mad.

Others start to notice his pensive mood. Angelique picks up on it. April worries about it and offers a cure of sorts. Then finally--alleluia!!--Illya returns from an assignment in Turkey. Napoleon has a chance to confide in someone he can trust. Unfortunately, his dreams start to take a distinctly kinky twist...

This story is angsty and there is frank description of Napoleon's suffering, but the depiction of it is very matter-of-fact. There's no over-the-top wallowing in pity. This understated narrative style actually gives the story its emotional impact; we are given the opportunity to read between the lines and reach our own conclusions.

Solo angst at its best. And Illya is worth waiting for, even if makes a delayed appearance halfway through: he is such a sweetie.[2]

I love this story. I will say straight out that bondage and BDSM are not my thing in fic, but Jane makes it very convincing and HOT. I agree - it's never over-the-top or melodramatic, which really sells the story for me.[3]

It is wonderful, huh? She's a die-hard zine fan, but I'm hoping she puts more online soon. *fingers crossed* [4]

Yeah, poor Illya. Writers are always dreaming up horrible things for him -- the number of fics that postulate he suffers from a series of devastating sexual dysfunctions are legion. So, yeah, I found this story refreshing. Of course, as I say this, I am in the middle of writing another angst-fest for Illya to suffer through. Oh well.[5]

I have had several people comment to me about Illya's late arrival in the story both when it was first published and recently, after it went online. I have thought about it and I think it is a deficit in the story. I have been thinking of revisiting the story and exploring Illya's point of view. Not to rewrite the story, but maybe a companion story.[6]

I personally don't think it's a deficit. NS's emotional journey is absorbing in itself. And there's a build-up of suspense as we eagerly wait for IK's return. I enjoyed that anticipation. A companion story sounds most intriguing...but it won't have that element of surprise the original had. Still, if you think you can add some new insights using IK's pov, go for it.[7]


  1. ^ from This is Katya
  2. ^ from a 2004 comment at Crack Van
  3. ^ from a 2004 comment at Crack Van
  4. ^ from a 2004 comment at Crack Van
  5. ^ from a 2004 comment at Crack Van
  6. ^ from a 2004 comment by the author at Crack Van
  7. ^ from a 2004 comment at Crack Van