Never and Always Lovers

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K/S Fanfiction
Title: Never and Always Lovers: A Ni-Var for Two Apart
Author(s): Carolyn Spencer
Date(s): print zine-(1997);
The Kirk/Spock Fanfiction Archive-240 words
Genre: slash
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
External Links: The Kirk/Spock Fanfiction Archive

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Never and Always Lovers: A Ni-Var for Two Apart is a Kirk/Spock poem by Carolyn Spencer.

It was published in the print zine T'hy'la #19 (1997).

Reactions and Reviews

Really nice to see the ni var form used again. Seems this format was more popular years ago, but never really seen as much in K/S as it is in older Gen zines.

A lovely, lovely poem meant for re-reading, especially on dreary, rainy afternoons. It reinforces the melancholy and then gives a ray of hope, of happiness. Carolyn's prose is so poetic anyway its a wonder she didn't turn to poetry long before this. Some exquisite lines and depth of insight here; "as if there were a place to which I could escape// that did not contain his essence," (Excuse me here while I recapture my stomach; it has thumped every time I've read that line. And my shoulders sort of tingle and then melt, too.)

Here's another, from Kirk: "Always the dividing line was thin.//Where white met black our colors bloomed/." So interesting, Spock's denial of the physical ("We were never lovers") and Kirk's affirmation of the mental and spiritual ("We were always lovers/)

All so perceptive, and quite beautiful. More, please? [1]


  1. ^ The K/S Press #12 08/1997