Night in the Elysian Fields

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Title: Night in the Elysian Fields
Author(s): trust_n0_1
Date(s): 20 August 2005
Length: 1405 words
Genre(s): angst
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
External Links: archived on LJ

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"Night in the Elysian Fields"[1] is a short story by trust_n0_1, which draws on the The Alexander Trilogy by Mary Renault.

It is a story of Hephaistion after death, being comforted by Patroklos. Despite the potentially angsty premise of the story, readers on the whole found it comforting despite the sad theme, and comments include the following:

  • This is lovely, especially as the sadness gives way to hopefulness.[2]gilda_elise
  • The first half was so heartbreaking because of the way how he clinged to the tunnel and could not let go. Then, the second half was comforting and hopeful because the end is just another beginning in their own paradise.[3]knuddel
  • How very wistful and lovely, and what I'd wish for Hephaistion![4]shezan
