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You may be looking for Night Music in B and D, a Professionals zine.

Title: Nightmusic
Author(s): Paula
Date(s): April 1991
Length: 8 pages
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
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Nightmusic is a Blake's 7 Tarrant/Avon story by Paula. It has a sequel called Nightsongs.

It was published in Southern Comfort #6.5

Reactions and Reviews


I can see the death of his brother being a turning point in Tarrant's life that would lead to his seeking comfort from someone he admires. And, battles for dominance or not, he always did end up going along with whatever Avon "asked" in the show. So, the developments in this story aren't as shocking as some people may find them. In this case, Avon managed to be dominant while at the same time teaching Tarrant that being dominant really isn't important. As long as both were getting what they wanted, it really didn't matter who was in control, at that particular moment. Tarrant, rather muzzily, seems to understand. [1]


I've noticed penetration seems to be a subject of concern in slash. I thought immediately of Paula's Avon/Tarrant stories. Avon and Tarrant having the relationship that they do, who's on top becomes something of an issue.

In "Nightmusic," Avon lets Tarrant be the penetrator their first time, and Tarrant discovers that Avon can still control him, even from the supposedly passive role. As it turns out, in this series Avon prefers being penetrated to being the penetrator. [2]


and astonishingly, i really really liked this one, too. tarrant is v sad because his brother is dead and its stirred up lots of old memories, and everyone else is too sympathetic so he goes and sees avon, who he knows will not be sympathetic in a cloying way. and avon is... surprisingly nice to him, for avon, and the fic is semi about his role as a leader and how he never wanted it but how sometimes, when the chips are down, he can be a good person and can talk to people.

they don't shag the first time, they just talk and avon does quite well at not being a total bastard. then tarrant comes back for night two and again they just chat until... the dreaded back rub! and then they do shag - and, i've seen this in the only other tarrant/avon fic i've read as well... avon specifically says to tarrant 'this is sex - i like sex and it is about us being nice to each other. this is not a fight for dominance, being fucked is not the same as submitting'. which is a very interesting idea to have come out of this pairing. i've seen a few nods towards it in blake/avon but not as well or as consistently executed - conversely i've seen tonnes of whinging about not wanting to submit to blake etc etc (seems reasonable) in blake/avon. maybe it's because the avon of series 3 and 4 is an older and more emotionally mature avon than the series 1 and 2 avon...

another good reason why he'd be a better boyfriend for blake after GP!

assuming they live obviously.[3]

The slash sequel to a gen story, "The Night Wind," in GAMBIT 2. Avon comforts Tarrant after Deeta's death. A really lovely story.[4]


  1. ^ from "Southern Comfort" #7.5
  2. ^ from Strange Bedfellows (APA) #9
  3. ^ comments by Aralias at Dreamwidth, posted July 13, 2013; reference link
  4. ^ Favourite Avon/Tarrant Stories