Not a Saint

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Title: not a saint \\ a duncan fanmix on 8tracks
NOT A SAINT on Tumblr
Creator(s): jordan.river, aka spaceoddly
Date(s): 30 April 2016
Length: 10 Songs
Theme: Double Consciousness
Fandom: Total Drama
External Links: Advertisement for NOT A SAINT, Archived version on Tumblr
not a saint \\ a duncan fanmix, Archived version on 8tracks
Cover for Not a Saint

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Not a Saint is a Duncan fanmix for the Total Drama fandom. The fanmix focuses on the idea of double consciousness and how it applies to him. Not a Saint was a collaborative effort between jordan.river, who made the fanmix, and thatcookiecat, who drew its cover art.

NOT A SAINT | a double-conscious playlist starring Canada’s infamous bad boy.

caption of the fanmix's advertisement on Tumblr, by jordan.river

An unofficial port of this playlist to YouTube made by an editor of this article is also available here.[Notes 1]



  1. ^ Songs featured in this playlist may be the wrong version of the songs/incorrect.