Of the Devil's Party

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Title: Of the Devil's Party
Author(s): mermaiddrunk
Date(s): Oct 30, 2015
Length: 52,692 words
Genre(s): Femslash
Fandom(s): Elementary
Relationship(s): Jamie Moriarty/Joan Watson
External Links: AO3

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Of the Devil's Party is a story by mermaididrunk in Elementary fandom focused on the pairing of Jamie Moriarty/Joan Watson.


Twelve weeks after the Kayden Fuller incident, Jamie Moriarty is granted a full acquittal, quietly and without fuss. That's when the letters begin to arrive -letters addressed to one Joan Watson.

Reactions and Reviews

I like this fic in particular because Joan starts out deeply mistrustful and resentful of Jamie. It would be out of character for her to behave any other way; not only has Moriarty hurt Sherlock and undermined Joan’s efforts with him, she also demeaned Joan herself by assuming she was Sherlock’s “mascot.” Joan constantly questions herself; why is she continuing to let such a destructive person into her life, and when did Moriarty of all people become a closer confidante than Sherlock or any of her other friends? The fic does not make Jamie out to be a suddenly perfect person either; even when she does come to Joan’s aid, it’s often as in some less-than-legal way that leaves Joan nearly regretting the help. And although Jamie’s motives for contacting Joan may be as innocent as her motives can possibly be, her dark past is beginning to catch up with her, and I’m anxious to see if the budding relationship between the two women can stand up to the explosion that will happen when it’s revealed.
The only thing that I would warn readers about is that there is one somewhat graphic/violent scene while Joan has been kidnapped by a criminal whose calling card is skinning his victims. While Joan does get away mostly unscathed, it’s pretty intense in the moment, and if that kind of thing makes you uncomfortable, you might want to give this fic (or at least that part of the chapter) a pass.[1]

I love this ship and I really enjoyed this fic, about how the approach Jamie took, which felt like something she would do, and the slow development of their relationship.[2]

Well, this is a blast from the past. Keep in mind that I read all of these quite a long time ago, and I thought I went to the fandom for Sherlock & Joan platonic goodness and instead fandom introduced me to Jamie Moriarty/Joan Watson and the rest was history.

Of the Devil's Party by mermaiddrunk: This is your gateway drug. It works off of the premise that instead of sending letters to Sherlock, Moriarty sends them to Joan...

It's really good, as are many, many of other Jamie/Joan fics. Apparently there are 182 works in the tag now. If you have enough time, I recommend making your way through every one of them.[3]

the relationship between the two main character is kinda build upon an epistolary correspondence at the beginning and as we go along their interactions become more and more concrete.

it’s really interesting to see the way joan’s mind works because it’s simple and complex, it’s rational and irrational at the same time but more importantly it’s understandable.

i really love the build up done in this fic and i think anybody who felt like joan and moriarty relationship could be more should read it.[4]

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