One for the Road

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Title: One for the Road
Author(s): Kat Allison
Date(s): 2004 or before
Length: 36kb
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Highlander
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One for the Road is a Highlander Duncan/Methos story by Kat Allison.

Summary: "Methos leaves his old life - and Duncan - as he hits the road to find a new one."

This story was discussed in the 2005 essay Three-Point Characterization, or No, We Really Aren't All Watching the Same Show.

Reactions and Reviews

One of my problems with Kat Allison's Highlander fiction is that I think she's pretty spot-on with her other characterisations, but my Methos isn't quite as selfish, bleak, and cynical as the one she portrays in her stories. I soothe myself by believing that Methos might not be an entirely reliable narrator - does anyone really understand their own motivations? - but this is still not anything close to what could be considered a romantic story.[1]

This is yet another example of a hackneyed fanon cliché successfully used to make an awesome fic. Now, usually I hate fic where Methos runs away—I mean, just because he’s good at leaving and taking a new identity, doesn’t mean he does it at the drop of a hat. But I digress. Anyway, this is a good fic, even though it’s based on a cliché.[2]

I can't believe I haven't recced this one already. Jeeeezus. Permanently altered

the way I listened to a certain Talking Heads song. Permanently altered the way I looked at Methos.

Made me cry like a little bitch.

But then, Kat makes me do that last a *lot*.

This story is just plain brilliant, and should be required reading for anyone and everyone who is remotely interested in getting an idea on who the World's

Oldest Man *could* be -- if not who he is. Gorgeous work.[3]
