Out of the Blue (Stargate Atlantis story)

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Title: Out of the Blue
Author(s): Leah
Date(s): 02 June 2006
Length: 6,490 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Stargate Atlantis
External Links: Out of the Blue (Wraithbait)

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Out of the Blue is a Stargate Atlantis McShep story by Leah.

Summary: "We're friends, and I missed you. Why can't I hold your hand?"

Reactions and Reviews

While on yet another suicide mission, John is ascended (which -- well, you'll just have to suspend your disbelief on this point). The story begins with his reappearance, naked and without memory. And extra touchy-feely, to the horror of Lorne and the other marines. Best of all (for us, at least), John seems to feel an overwhelming need to touch Rodney. A lot. There might even be some hand-holding, and you can just imagine Rodney's reaction to all this. Usually I'm not a fan of acension fic (primarily because folks love to speculate on what it's like being ascended and I'm always in a hurry to get to the whole naked amnesia bit), but Leah might just have changed my mind. Amnesia!John is always fun, but he's especially awesome in this fic, where not only has he forgotten most of his past, but he's also forgotten to be closed off and distant. Watching everyone else adapt to this new (and extremely likeable, especially later on in the story where his sarcasm and humor starts to reappear) Sheppard is a hoot and that coupled with Rodney's desperate attempts not to take advantage of his best friend (who is absolutely determined to be taken advantage of) you have a fun, fast, entertaining read.[1]


  1. ^ jane_elliot in epic_recs: Out of the Blue by Leah (PG), 18 March 2008 (Accessed 06 March 2015)