Out of the Frying Pan (X-Files story)

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Title: Out of the Frying Pan
Author(s): Aries & Orithain
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Out of the Frying Pan (TER/MA)

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Out of the Frying Pan is a Mulder/Krycek story by Aries & Orithain.

Summary: This behind-the-scenes vignette started out as a conversation between Ori and me about The Pine Bluff Variant many many moons ago. We decided to drag it out, dust it off and finish it so we could turn it in for Row's November challenge. And here it is!

Recs and Reviews

This story is like a M/K slashy missing scenes take on the Pine Bluff Variant. [...] I absolutely love that episode. David looks sooo good in it. It stands up there as one of my favorites. It's a pretty good ep [...] The story, I was rec'ing a story, thanks for reminding me. I love this one. I'm a big fan of both Aries and Orithain's work, so those two teamed up was just a big bonus for me. Maybe I should give a sap warning for this, because there is some. I, however, find that aspect a good one. I just love the Alex characterization in this one, I like Mulder alot in this one too. Dear god, the sex scenes that is what I always remember about this one. Damn, they are hot. I have gone back to read this story again, and again just for the sweet romance and the heat between the two characters. They burn with a passion for one another in this one. Alex is just so strong and sweet at the same time. Mulder is loving and so caring about Alex. They are just so in love in this one. I am crazy about this story. One of my rereads. Any time I haven't found anything new that really stuck with me in a while and go back to old faves to read. This one is on that list of stories I return to over and over. If you haven't read this one you should. It has some great characterizations, sweet romantic sappy moments between the boys(that are subtle enough not to set your teeth on edge), and some of the most lovingly, hot sex scenes you'll find. [...] [1]


  1. ^ The Slash Slut's Recs: X-Files Recs. (Accessed 29 March 2015)