Persistence of Memory

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Title: Persistence of Memory
Author(s): seleneheart
Date(s): 2011
Length: 2,900 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: (defunct) (defunct)

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Persistence of Memory is a Steve/Danny story by seleneheart.

Summary: With eighteen months of his memory gone, Steve relies on his emotions to guide him. He gets things slightly wrong, but everything works out.

Recs and Reviews

Why we love it: Amnesia is an old fandom trope and it can get be hard to get it right. This fic nails it. We loved the fact that the characterizations were maintained so nicely. The writing was tight and of course we love a happy ending.[1]

mkmk2011: I'm looking for the amnesia fic! Steve woke up at the hospital but he lost around 2~3 years memory. Danny came in Steve's room and called him "babe". The doctor said Danny was "his partner". So Steve misunderstood Danny was his lover or something and kissed Danny. They weren't lovers, it was new. But Danny was OK. Then Chin entered the room. That's all I can remember. The fic was so adorable.

feliciaadina: Yes, I know that fic! I just looked at a few prior questions about amnesia fics on here and found it.

It's called Persistence on Memory by seleneheart. [...] But as I heard, seleneheart took down all her fics and doesn't want them to be spread at all. So unfortunately there's no way to get your hands on the fic again..Shame, I really liked that one, too! :([2]


  1. ^ shinysylver in: h50-rec-room. Slash Sunday (6/5/11) . (Accessed 17 May 2016)
  2. ^ mkmk2011 & feliciaadina in: hawaiificfinder. Amnesia fic, 06 February 2013. (Accessed 17 May 2016)