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Title: Pets
Author(s): Nicola Mody
Date(s): 2004
Genre(s): gen, humor
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
External Links: on Hermit

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Pets is a Blake's 7 story by Nicola Mody.

Reactions and Reviews

I'm in great danger of recommending everything Nicola Mody has ever written at this point, but then that's because it's so good. In this one, the crew end up as pets. The most interesting parts are the descriptions of the crew by the aliens. You can tell easily which is which from their clothing and attitudes, but you can also see why the aliens would think these people are pets, as they do behave like animals in some respects. The other most interesting part is the crew's reactions to being split up and living with their owners. All the owners treat their 'pets' differently, but even so the reactions by the characters are totally within character. As are their plans to get themselves out of there.[1]

You know how sometimes you read something even though it isn't normally the kind of thing you read? And if you like it, it must be really good, because it doesn't have the support of your preconceptions.

In this story, nobody does anything even remotely slashy. In the wrong hands (or paws, or tentacles) this story could have been enough to make your teeth ache, but in the right's sweet. Just...awwww.

Yet another peaceful, uneventful downplanet picnic ends with the crew being captured by aliens, although in this case they ARE hairy. And gigantic. And with an agenda of their own (which does *not* involve the Human Bonding Ceremony). Soon the crew members are separated and each must cope, in his or her idiosyncratic way, with a race entirely unlike any they have confronted before. (Although B7 canon includes the occasional token alien, most of the encounters are wrapped up quickly with the ever-popular Blow Up Something and Haul Ass technique.)

Nico is one of our leading Vilaphiles, so it's no surprise that Vila does the best job of managing the Close Encounter. In fact, I was sort of sad to see the story end when it did, because Vila was having a good time and it seemed a shame for him to be whisked away.

As for the whisking, Avon Saves the Day (...and this is a problem because?...) I've never forgotten the perfect method that Nico devises to have him celebrate. And as for what happens to poor Blake....bwahahahaha! [2]


  1. ^ Paranoidangel's review on Haven Reviews, 24-03-2006
  2. ^ recced by Executrix in Crack Van LJ community, March 14, 2004