Please, let me go

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Title: Please, let me go
Author(s): deviantartsbiglover (Ana)
Date(s): 21 September 2010 - 07 October 2015 (unfinished and abandoned by 2018)
Length: 58,034 Words
22 Chapters
Genre(s): Crime/Romance
Explicit-rated Slash
Fandom(s): Total Drama
External Links: Please, let me go, Archived version on FFN

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Please, let me go was a popular Alejandro/Cody and Cody/Noah fic on FanFiction.Net for the Total Drama fandom. In the fic, Alejandro kidnaps Cody and makes him live with his family. Although Cody was already in a relationship with Noah, he develops somewhat of an attraction to Alejandro over the course of the fic. For many years, it was the most well-known fanwork for the uncommon Alejandro/Cody ship.

When Noah and Cody's relationship reaches a certain member of the cast's ears, that member grows furious. Furious enough to steal Chris's plane, the million dollars... and take Cody with him. Pairings: AleCody, NoCo.

Please, let me go's summary

Although most reviews of the fic on FFN were positive, reception from outsiders is mixed due to the fic's premise and execution. One fan in 2021 described it as, "it tainted the whole ship [Alejandro/Cody] for years until ppl forgot ab its existence[.]"[1]

Some time between 2018 and 2024, Please, let me go was removed from FFN, either by its author or by FFN itself, (likely the former.) It is only available in archive form. Chapters 13 through 20 are believed to be lost.


theyellowsky 9/29/10 . chapter 2

if the AleCody doesnt stay one-sided, I'll hate you.
kidding, of course. I love this! AleCodys not a popular pairing, and though I L-O-V-E love NoahCody, I like this story a lot.
Thanks to you, AleCodys peaked my intrest.

update soon! :D

Kool Broadway Reader 4/25/11 . chapter 7
Ana.. You better murder Alejandro... Poor Cody and Noah...

Invader Cole chapter 21 . Jun 3, 2015
It took me a day to read this and I heavily enjoy it. Things have really gotten good. I could already see Cody would get Stockholm syndrome once they had sex. He feels like the type it could happen to. Jose has appeared and the the kidnappers are becoming like a family, oddly enough. Please continue, we are basically in the middle of the story. The worst place to end a good story like this one.

Guest chapter 22 . Jul 9, 2016

I have been following this story for years and I just want you to know that this story is so great and we all understand how the whole " take a while to update " thing goes :p

Regardless, thank you for this story

Further Reading
