Reality TV Pros

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Gen Relationship
Relationship: Reality TV Pros
Alternative name(s): Noah & Owen
Fandom: Total Drama
Type: Best Friends
Male & Male
Canonical?: Canon
Prevalence: Popular
Archives: n/a
See also: Noah/Owen, the romantic interpretation of their relationship
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Reality TV Pros refers to the gen friendship that Noah and Owen have on Total Drama. Although this could be seen as early as 2007, it was only after their Laurel and Hardy-esque dynamic in 2010, during World Tour, that their relationship gained notable fanac in the fandom.

In 2015, the two were a duo in The Ridonculous Race, and the term "Reality TV Pros" comes from the show itself as their official team name. Although "Noah & Owen" is a sort of catch-all for their gen dynamic regardless of season, the term Reality TV Pros is distinct and popular with fans.

Many fanworks include the Reality TV Pros as a background pairing to keep in line with canon, and their friendship is the most tagged gen ship in Archive of Our Own's Total Drama category as of 2024. It is also Owen's most common relationship for fanworks on both Archive of Our Own and FanFiction.Net as of 2024, more-so than his canonical relationship with Izzy, Izzy/Owen.

Common Tropes

  • "Little Buddy" and "Big Guy": Their canonical nicknames for one another.
  • Opposites Attract: Owen's cheery and naive. Noah's deadpan and sassy.
  • Fix-it: Many fans were disappointed that their friendship in World Tour didn't translate exactly to Ridonculous. In the latter, Noah's often mean to Owen. Fanworks may make Noah endeared by Owen's eccentricities rather than annoyed by them.
  • Team E-Scope: A team formed by Izzy during an episode of Island; Owen may join the group in fanworks.
  • Works may include their friendship, but pair Noah, in particular, with other characters. Owen may be Noah's wingman.
  • Fanworks may interpret their friendship as ambiguously pre-slash, letting readers see it either as gen or Noah/Owen.

Reality TV Pros Fandom

courtney-deserved-better, a Total Drama BNF overall, has written the Reality TV Pros in many of their fics, such as Operation Nemma[1] and Not The Worst Movie Night[2].

Example/Notable Fanac

Reality TV Pros was a prompt for Noahvember in 2023.

Fan Fic

Fan Comic

Fan Art

References/Further Reading