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Title: Resilience
Author(s): Tira Nog
Length: ~100,000 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Stargate Atlantis
External Links: Resilience (Tiranog's Website)
Resilience (at Wraithbait)
cover by Krys

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Resilience is a Sheppard/McKay Stargate Atlantis story by Tira Nog. Krys created a cover for the story.

Reactions and Reviews


i really love this story. It's angsty, dramatic, romantic, hot - everything it should be.[1]


McKay/Sheppard. Bibble. I love this author in the HP world, but even more here in this one. Huge epic romance here. Daedalus' arrival with new personnel forces Rodney to confront not only their losses, but also how undesirable he is when the Daedalus' engineer turns him down in favor of Kavanaugh. Rodney gets drunk and depressed and accidentally comes on to John. Rodney expects the worst, but John doesn't want things to change. Right then anyway. But knowing changes things. Rodney's jealousy of John's attention to Ronon gets them into bed together. So John takes Rodney on a date to a concert and we learn about Rodney's piano skills. It's the best relationship either of them have ever had. And then Rodney blows up a solar system. John no longer trusts Rodney and everything is very very painful. It ends happily though. One of the best Rodney characterizations ever, because the author believably explains where they come from. She understands Rodney all the way through and it's heartbreaking and wonderful all at once.[2]


One of the things I really like about the SGA fandom is that, unlike some other fandoms I could mention *cough*thesentinel*cough*, you don't have much in the way of melodrama. It's fantastic to have nearly an entire fandom that refrains from writing characters that blow things all out of proportion with reality.

On the other hand... this is also a fandom that features Rodney McKay. *Rodney McKay*. So, sometimes, a little melodrama is called for. Thus: Tira Nog.

I really enjoyed (read: wallowed in) Resilience, wherein Rodney gets rejected by a woman, John comes out to comfort him, and accidental boners are discovered. Heh. Over the course of 600 K (!) John and Rodney slowly develop a relationship better than any either has had before. And then Doranda happens.

I liked the gradual building of John and Rodney's relationship, I liked Rodney's vulnerability, and I really liked the little details Tira gives life in Atlantis, especially now that contact with Earth has been re-established. In fact, just about the only thing I didn't like was coming to the end -- I think Tira could have added another few hundred KB fleshing out the post-Doranda recovery. Still, this is a wonderfully melodramatic, intensely satisfying novel, and best of all, it'll take you hours and hours to read.[3]


So, later, I stumbled across another fic of hers called Resilience, and started reading it....and backed off from the story because it had a pet peeve of mine, where John says to Rodney, in effect, you have a fat tummy but I love you anyway. I never like it when that becomes a hurdle that John has to get over, I never like that to be the issue. But, still later, I found myself thinking of the story, and how the author had written John as cocky and cool, but at the same time completely aware of wonderful Rodney is, how giving and loving he is, once you get inside his prickly barriers on the outside. I kept thinking about it, till I gave in and went back and read it. And boy did I get sucked in....the writing is slow and careful and old-fashioned. It sets up the characters to meet, and then kiss, and then fight a little bit, and then a LOT - over issues that aren't imaginary, and aren't rushed, no, the author takes her time, having John and/or Rodney realize that they've messed up and then the characters talk about it. And then the characters have makeup sex, and it's all a beautiful courtship that goes on and on and on in the most perfect way. [4]


Oh, I have read that one - but it is very good, full of angst and love and longing! Which is a good reason to read it all again :)[5]


I love canon-compliant and long stories. After watching Trinity, I had to find fics that thematically dealt with what happened, and while most of this story was set before Trinity happened, I was still very satisfied with what I read. The best part was that the author didn’t rush anything and wasn’t afraid to put in a few time-jumps of a few weeks or months. There’s a lot of sex in this story for those who love that kind of thing – the scenes didn’t really appeal to me as they were quite long and a bit too descriptive for my taste but they were still good smut scenes. But that’s not what the story was about for me.[6]


  1. ^ comment by lavvyan at Wraithbait, November 11, 005
  2. ^ "March 11, 2006 Livejournal post". Archived from the original on 2023-06-27.
  3. ^ jane_elliot in epic_recs: Resilience by Tira Nog (NC-17), 07 July 2007 (Accessed 06 March 2015)
  4. ^ "SGA Author: Tira Nog". Archived from the original on 2023-06-27.
  5. ^ "Nov 24, 2015 Tumblr post". Archived from the original on 2023-06-27.
  6. ^ "Becca's Recs". Archived from the original on 2018-12-04.