Responsibility (X-Files story)

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Title: Responsibility
Author(s): Sleeps With Coyotes
Date(s): 28 November 1998
Length: 149k
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Responsibility (The Basement)

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Responsibility is a Mulder/Krycek story by Sleeps With Coyotes.

Summary from storyteller's campsite: Alex is given one last job by his English employer: the disposal of a very battered piece of merchandise.

Recs and Reviews

There are not a lot of Samantha stories out there, and of the few around, this is certainly the one we'd all have loved to see come true on the show - Mulder is finally reunited with his long-lost sister. In the aftermath of the Well-Manicured Man's death, Ladonna King gives Alex Krycek the unparalleled opportunity to gain Mulder's forgiveness by saving the one person he would do anything for: his sister. The author's grasp of the checks and balances that are essential for a détente with the Consortium are very believable, and the touch of fairy tale dust that lies over this story makes it all the sweeter. This is the happiest ending for Mulder's quest one could imagine - the ultimate feel-good story of this fandom.[1]

It's a Samantha fic. One of the few I have ever read where she was truly found. It's a sweet story and in this Alex isn't such a bad guy. This is just one of those stories I have never forgotten since the first time I read it. It fast became one of my favorites and has stuck with me all this time. It's a wonderful read and I highly recommend it. Ladonna, AKA Sleeps with Coyotes, is a wonderful writer and you will find a ton of her stuff on my Highlander recs page. This one and Blood, Love, and Rhetoric are the only two of her M/K stories I really like. One is highly violent and the other, this one, is really quite sweet. It's such a dichotomy of takes on the characters that when I first realized she had written both of them I was shocked. The interactions between Alex and Sam are wonderful, that adds up to some amount of the story and are really fascinating. There is no m/f stuff here, don't worry if you don't like that sort of thing. This is an M/K story and Alex is totally hung up on Sam's brother, not her.[2]


  1. ^ allaire mikháil. storyteller's campsite: the x-files fan fiction, 06 April 2006. (Accessed 26 March 2015)
  2. ^ The Slash Slut's Recs: X-Files Recs. (Accessed 27 March 2015)