Revolution's Valentine's Bingo-A-Thon

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Name: Revolution's Valentine's Bingo-A-Thon
Bullets & Arrows For My Valentine
Date(s): February 10th - March 9th 2013
Founder: mercscilla
Type: Bingo-a-thon, fanworks
Fandom: Revolution
Associated Community: NBC Revolution
URL: Valentine's Bingo-A-Thon
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Revolution's Valentine's Bingo-A-Thon is a Valentine's Day Bingo challenge from the NBC Revolution community.

It ran from February 10th - March 9th 2013, and only two people, Corycides and ivy-b, answered the challenge.


"Below you will find a textarea box with words and phrases dealing with Love. Since Revolution isn't exactly all flowers and hearts, the words/phrases were chosen with that in mind and you can interpret them as you like - as a light or a dark theme.
You current mission is it, to fill the squares to make a bingo. You can fill the squares with fics/drabbles, icons, art, pics/picspams, even recs, or a mixture of all of them."[1]

The prompts were "Wild, I'm drowning in you, Forever, I will hold you close to me, Authors/Artists Choice, You brought me back to life, Lover, I wanted you from the start" and "Kiss".

List of Works

Title: I Don't Even Know His Last Name
Author: Corycides
Rating: Mature
Characters/Pairings: Maggie Foster, Maggie/Militia Captain
Summary: Ben and his kids saved Maggie's life, they're all she has. So any problems need to be her fault, because then she had a chance of fixing them... NC 17.
Title: Witherings and Tarnishing
Author: Corycides
Rating: Mature
Characters/Pairings: Danny/Monroe
Summary: If Danny's life is no guarantee of his mother's good behaviour, exactly what use is he to Monroe?
Title: Cease to Struggle
Author: Corycides
Rating: Mature
Characters/Pairings: Miles/Bass, Charlie/Miles
Summary: The thing is that it gets easier, and once you've sinned what does it matter if it's the 30th time or the 1st
Title: I Just Stopped Showing It
Author: Corycides
Rating: gen
Characters/Pairings: Charlie Matheson, Miles Matheson
Summary: Miles could never hate Bass - no matter how he tried -so he made Bass hate him
Title: Love is an Exploding Cigar
Author: Corycides
Rating: Mature
Characters/Pairings: Jeremy Baker/Sebastian "Bass" Monroe
Summary: All Jeremy wanted was a slice of pizza and a quiet evening, somehow that ended up with President Monroe getting the idea he was exempt from the 'nothing up the bum' rule.
Title: With Your Needles Fine
Rating: gen
Characters/Pairings: Bass/Rachel, Sebastian Monroe, Rachel Matheson, Miles Matheson, Jeremy Baker
Summary: General Monroe brings Rachel back to life - but for his own reasons
Title: The Sword Devourth
Author: Corycides
Rating: Teen
Characters/Pairings: Tom Neville, Julia Neville, Sebastian Monroe
Summary: All Julia wanted was to go home, but sometimes you don't get what you want. And sometimes you have to decide what you want most...
Title: Structured Deception
Author: Corycides
Rating: Mature
Characters/Pairings: Charlie/Monroe
Summary: What if it had been Charlie captured instead of Danny? Would she have fared any differently as Monroe's guest?
Title: Pass Into Nothing
Author: Corycides
Rating: Teen
Characters/Pairings: Jeremy Baker/Rachel Matheson
Summary: Nothing lasts forever. To be honest, even not quite a year was more than Jeremy had expected.
Title: Should I Fast?
Author: Corycides
Rating: Teen
Characters/Pairings: Tom Neville, Julia Neville, Sebastian Monroe
Summary: President Monroe doesn't trust men with families, so how will he react when he discovers that Tom Neville betrayed him to save Julia?
Title: Love is an Exploding Cigar
Rating: Mature
Characters/Pairings: Jeremy Baker/Sebastian Monroe
Summary: All Jeremy wanted was a slice of pizza and a quiet evening, somehow that ended up with President Monroe getting the idea he was exempt from the 'nothing up the bum' rule.
Title: Wild
Rating: Teen
Characters/Pairings: Miles/Bass
Summary: 'So, I guess this is what dying feels like,' Miles thinks to himself humorlessly as he tries to remember how to breathe, hand fastened to the gaping wound on his left.
Title: I'm drowning in you
Rating: Teen
Characters/Pairings: Nora/Miles
Summary: Nora doesn't believe in fairytales, she never has.
Title: Forever
Rating: Teen
Characters/Pairings: Aaron/Priscilla
Summary: Priscilla knows that nothing really lasts forever, that everything must end eventually.
Title: I will hold you close to me
Rating: Teen
Characters/Pairings: Miles/Charlie
Summary: Miles knows Charlie is trouble the first minute he lays eyes on her.
Title: Author's choice- Cupid
Rating: Teen
Characters/Pairings: Miles/Bass (hint at Miles/Bass/Jeremy)
Summary: Miles doesn't bother knocking as he storms Bass' office angrily.
Title: You brought me back to life
Rating: Teen
Characters/Pairings: Ben/Maggie
Summary: The first few days with Ben and his kids, Maggie feels like the walking dead.
Title: Lover
Rating: Teen
Characters/Pairings: Jason/Charlie
Summary: Miles has called Jason by many names- like Nipples, Tom's brat, lover-boy and Charlie's boyfriend.
Title: I wanted you from the start
Rating: Teen
Characters/Pairings: Bass/Rachel
Summary: Bass was never the obsessing type. He was always the fun and light one of the two, leaving the brooding and sulking to Miles. Bass was the one who preferred casual flings, spending the night with a beautiful woman, without all the baggage of dating one.
Title: Kiss
Rating: Teen
Characters/Pairings: Tom/Julia
Summary: Julia misses Tom during the year he's off chasing the Matheson brothers, like a missing limb.