Salvation Under My Breath

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Title: Salvation Under My Breath
Author(s): Wickedtruth
Date(s): 28 February 2011
Length: 1,276 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: Salvation Under My Breath (AO3)

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Salvation Under My Breath is a Steve/Danny story by Wickedtruth.

Summary: It's late afternoon, and the temperature has been in the 90s most of the day, so the air in the garage is stiflingly hot. It feels like a weight on Danny's skin, warm and slick. He can feel warm leather peeling away from his skin as he arches up.

Recs and Reviews

Bringing you a little change of pace with a bit of pure porn. Salvation Under My Breath takes place in Steve's garage, in the backseat of the Marquis, to be exact, and it is hot like fire. It's a hot day and Steve and Danny make it even hotter. You might need a cigarette after reading this, even if you don't smoke.[1]


  1. ^ iamrosalita in: crack_van. Salvation Under My Breath (Explicit), 09 July 2011. (Accessed 08 June 2016)